
I haven’t played the first or second installment, so I’m worried if I pick this up that I won’t know what the hell is going on. I did watch my roommate play the Witcher 2 for a good while so I somewhat know the plot. Will this game suck without me playing the first two?

As a Stars fan who was nine at the time and got into an argument with my girlfriend’s uncle at her grandpa’s funeral over whether that was a goal or not last month.....I’ll agree. That Dallas team was one of the best ever though.

The Dez Bryant catch that wasn’t. Total and utter bullcrap. That was a catch, I don’t care what anyone says. Frick the NFL and frick Green Bay.

Rapping Ninja is obviously on the right track here.

Well, today was a pretty good day, until I figured out this game existed. Great.

I got all the way to last mission and just stopped playing DA:I. I have no idea why, but this may give me a reason to pick it back up.

I wonder if people would get butthurt if this was an article about an black team and they were referenced as chocolate syrup boys?

I bought the Telltale collection several weeks ago on Xbox One and I know there was big glitch for the TFTB season pass. I was wondering if this has been fixed yet, or am I going to have to wait another decade for Telltale to fix it before I can play this episode without having to pay for it again?

P's and Q's

Bale has been beyond terrible over the last few weeks, if there's one thing Ronaldo should be happy about it is the possibility of Bale turning shit around. Ronaldo won't win a trophy this year if that team isn't going on all cylinders.

If it makes you feel better I actually have somewhat of a social life (I.e. I'm going to UFC 185 Saturday night and the St. Paddy's day parade in Dallas Saturday) and a decent enough looking girlfriend. Drinking and video games is just a combo that I can't pass up sometimes. Also, I don't play alone, should have

I'm 24 and have no shame in admitting that I still have fun downing a 12-pack and playing Minecraft for six hours on a Saturday.

I live in a town of 20,000 in Texas. The demographics show that most of the population here is elderly, I wonder if the Walmart here will get some and if anyone in this farming town even knows what the hell an Amiibo is? Might have to test my luck.

I totally disagree with every aspect of this.

About frickin' time.

I find it a bit hard to believe that Kelly is a racist since most of his co-workers are probably black.

When I was a freshman in high school we played in a JV tournament in the city that my high school was a suburb of. We were an all-white team that wasn't very good at basketball and we played one of the inner-city schools that had about an extra 1,000 kids than our school. We lost the game 90 something to 40 something,