
Agreeing with neurozach - that episode was so evocative and *real* for anyone who has lost a parent. Field of Dreams is the only other media that was also relatable but "The Body" so captures the feelings, the mood, the "how did I get over here" moments where one literally doesn't remember moving.

Rachel - I don't understand why they didn't kill her off at the get-go. She's going to bring down the whole thing. I threw my fist in the air when she whacked Stamper. Finally! Otherwise, kinda a meh series.

Thanks for answering, think I'll watch "Felina" again when I have time.

I have slowly watched the series using Netflix and Amazon, and finally watched the last episode recently. Can someone who has been following closely answer these questions?
What's happened to Jesse's money? Was it taken from him by the police after he was throwing money out of the window of his car?
Where did Walt get

This brings back so many memories. That and "Tennessee".

Keep the interviews coming Will. Good reading as usual!

Same here.

Great article Will.

Unbelievable that the best TV ever made (The Wire) never received an Emmy. 

Unbelievable that the best TV ever made (The Wire) never received an Emmy. 

Come live with me and be my love,/ And we will all the pleasures prove

Come live with me and be my love,/ And we will all the pleasures prove

This film captures some of the atmosphere of the Big Easy, the part that is not laissez les bons temps rouler.  Worth a watch.

This film captures some of the atmosphere of the Big Easy, the part that is not laissez les bons temps rouler.  Worth a watch.

I hear it's an allergy shared by most young men. (-: Yes, one of the reasons I am a big fan of his is the humor, not just humor but intelligent humor. Enjoyed your tumbler pics btw.

I hear it's an allergy shared by most young men. (-: Yes, one of the reasons I am a big fan of his is the humor, not just humor but intelligent humor. Enjoyed your tumbler pics btw.

It's an old joke.  "Doctor, I'm allergic to vaginas.  Everytime I'm around them I swell."  Pattinson's jokes often sail over the heads of his interviewers.

It's an old joke.  "Doctor, I'm allergic to vaginas.  Everytime I'm around them I swell."  Pattinson's jokes often sail over the heads of his interviewers.

I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what are your criteria for calling them sluts?  Because they wanted sex?  With too many guys?  How many is too many?  Does the criteria apply to guys as well?  If a guy has sex with 6 girls, he's a man, but a young woman who does this is a slut?  What is this, 1950?

Uh, guys?  This article is definitely not going to win over the women in your life. A big downer. Perhaps O'Neal is attempting sarcasm but if so he's failed.