
I didn't take any of what you are saying from this film.  The scriptwriter used the NYT profiles of the victims as inspiration for the script.  It was a good way to approach the subject, through an individual life.  The character wasn't generic to me, and I've known people like him.  I didn't feel manipulated. 

Sauvaire, the director of this film, is well respected in France.  Pattinson is starring in a Cronenberg film this year.  So I don't think I'm off base here.  Check out Remember Me, How To Be and Little Ashes.  Do a little research.

So what's your opinion on his film coming out this year, Cosmopolis?  You think Cronenberg is an idiot then?

How is Remember Me an exploitation of 9/11?

I'm looking forward to the day when any news about Pattinson will not include mentions of glitter, sparkly, and "teenage girls."  He's an intelligent, very talented actor with several great films under his belt before and during Twilight, and he's making fantastic career choices.  C'mon O'Neal. 

I decry.  How can you remake a classic? 

Thank you thank you A.V. Club.  A memorable series that given its short run was blessedly spared any descent into merely tolerable.  A favorite part that comes to mind is when Franco's character tries to pass as a punk rocker.