
The Tenors’ statement: “3 of us matter”

I’ve thought about this and realized that it can be both. I believe he thinks his daughter is an exceptional woman (and not just the whole “if she wasn’t my daughter I’d...” bit of effluvia). I believe he encouraged her. Because she’s his. And that alone makes her exceptional by virtue of those yugely great genes. But

I’m at my parents’ house for the weekend. I just read Ivanka’s second quote to my (super feminist) father, who’s sitting in his chair across the room from me. His response: “She was born on third and thinks she hit a triple.”

hard to write when ur friend is stuck in the barney

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

Let’s not pretend this wouldn’t immediately become BashHillaryCon 2k16. He’s bolstering Bernie’s wounded ego and dirtying up the Democratic frontrunner in the process.

Bernie can only ever lose this, actually. Trump’s supporters don’t listen to facts and don’t recognize bad ideas. Bernie’s supporters are marginally less deluded, some of them might respond negatively when Bernie loses his cool at Trump’s jackassery. And once they stop being able to point to a single poll showing

I think this is about them getting on the stage (excluding Hillary of course) to bash her. They want each other’s supporters. I think this is kind of a dick move on Bernie’s part.

If we’re wishing (to put this in perspective, I am super cheap) I would pay $200 to see President Obama debate Donald Trump.

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

Except the reason that Hillary isn’t participating is because she had declined invitations to debate Trump.

Because she didn’t. Sanders proposed the debate. She never agreed to it. Bernie doesn’t get to have whatever he wants just by demanding it. That’s not how life works unless you are a toddler.

He was generally opposed to raising taxes, but mainly because he felt the revenues were already there, it was more a matter of making government more efficient to stretch the dollar’s value.

See, what you just described is basically a liberal with a sense of fiscal responsibility. My shorthand for those people is “grownup”.

For what it’s worth my friend will NOT be voting Trump, and will likely vote Hillary. He finds Trump as abhorrent as most do.

You are correct, and perhaps I should’ve been more specific and said “fiscal conservative,” because there are social conservatives and then there are conservatives who favor strong defense, who really are in opposition to fiscal conservatives in their zeal to spend more and more on defense at the expense of, well,

I’m from the NW originally, and I went to college and am now at a state medical school in the deep south with lots of young men and women like this. This attitude that you quote ‘“That is a privacy issue. Government has no business getting involved”’ is what bugs me the most about them, though. I get that everyone

Great points. I would argue that defense spending is not truly conservative, but merely hawkish and more in line with the GOPs pandering to a particular base by seeming to be pro military and pro defense.

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.