
I’ve had transplants in both eyes multiple times, as it’s a crapshoot whether you get good vision from a transplant or not(in my case, not yet :/). I currently have some serious coke-bottle lenses with directional prisms because I received a palsy from a lid-lift surgery that would have let me use contacts were it not

My thoughts exactly. I mean, I’d be fine with being drugged and raped by one of America’s great father figures as long as I was assured that he would go blind 30 years later after having lived a rich, fulfilling, and very successful life.

That’s because you have an eye condition not a habit of attacking women for decades.

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

I have keratoconus in my right eye and am legally blind in it. WOO.

Dude, please. The REAL scandal here isn’t that Melania lifted a few sentences from Michele Obama’s speech. I mean who the fuck cares about Melania Trump?

JD has twitter of course in case of zombie attacks and wutnot

Exactly. Obama spent years convincing the American public that Deval Patrick was an un-American, Islamist plant with no redeemable qualities.

God, not this again.

Obama also credited Patrick in one of those two speeches in the video, but for some reason that got cut out. Wonder why.

The primary difference here being that Patrick and Obama both had the same person writing their speeches.

In other news, Clinton has pledged to get an amendment to end Citizen’s United in the first 30 days in office. Since she’s cautious usually, I’m going to guess this one is entirely possible.

Form of: A losing ticket!

In one of those speeches of theirs the two of them were like “We represent the people of Indiana.”

As someone who grew up in Indianapolis I do apologize.

Blunder Twin powers, activate!

I guess Trump really wanted to lock up the misogynist and homophobic vote. Nice job /s

Don’t forget their duel power of misogyny!

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

They’re an interesting hair duo, I’ll give them that. Bird’s Nest and the Iron Helmet. It’s like a superhero team with the combined powers of racism and homophobia.