
yeah, i don’t disagree with you on the identity politics nightmare of the dem race right now at all, but it is still incredibly remarkable to me that david brooks pinpoints neither her record or her gender as the source of unlikability — and instead brings up the fact that she needs HOBBIES

But we don’t just need him to back the nominee, we need him to do it vigorously. In ‘08 she asked to introduce him at the convention, she made it clear to her supporters they needed to support then-candidate Obama. She gave her amazing “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” speech and then stumped like crazy. I

I don’t know if he’s actively trying, but it certainly appears his campaign may not care if he does. there was a politico article quoting someone from his campaign saying they don’t care if they hurt Clinton in November. After the whole nevada incident and his response, even the liberal media sites were turning on him.

Haven’t there been several in depth studies of that that found that Perot drew off voters from Clinton and Bush at a roughly equal level? I remember it was assumed at the time that Perot’s presence favored Clinton, but I don’t think that was ever backed up by the numbers.

You are absolutely right, and I was super pissed at Hillz when she did it in 2008.

I voted for him, begrudgingly. He wasn't going to win my state anyway and I was voting more on principle than for the candidate. I hate his fucking guts now, I wish I could take back my vote, and if he somehow by some weird Salem witch spell ended up with the nomination, you couldn't convince me that he wouldn't do

I mean Hillary did the same thing in 2008. I definitely think he should start slowly backing out (too quickly and his supporters will be too pissy), but Hillary wasn’t done campaigning until early June in 2008 so he isn’t doing anything she didn’t.

Well, demographic data would tell us that she would be a likely Bernie supporter. So yes, there certainly are types. Just as there are those who go against type.

I don’t think he’s actively trying (like Nader certainly was), I think he’s been drinking too much of his own kool aid and doesn’t have the right advisors to pull him back. But we’re fast approaching the point where it doesn’t fucking matter what his intentions are, he will be actively harming our chances in November.

I kinda sorta get the idea that in order to reinforce the platform at the convention you don’t just wanna give up and potentially skew the delegate count.

Considering that he has exactly zero percent odds of winning the nomination, does anyone else feel that Bernie is actively trying to fuck over the Democrats at this point?

The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?

The only way he could have known about a bust from thirty friggin’ years ago is if he selected her and trolled through her background. I can just see him clocking up the OT in front of his computer late at night, hunting through the records, making notes on addresses...

I love how she won’t believe it because she’s sure he’s got better taste in RAPE VICTIMS. My God.

I mean does he not realize that in that sentence alone, he basically admitted to why he chose them as victims? What a narcissistic asshole.

And, yet, he is in prison and she is not! Ha ha ha!

“Let’s get the factual facts out there. She’s [Jannie Ligons] not innocent the way people think she is. She had a bust in the ‘80s … But we couldn’t present that to the jury... This is not a woman that’s, you know, a soccer mom or someone that’s credible in society.”

That was why he targeted them. They were vulnerable to him because he thought they wouldn’t be believed and they had few options. Hell, the jury didn’t believe them at first.

Keep diggin bud.

Dear Daniel Holzclaw,