Younger Kennedy

Is it shitting on him per se for the struggles he faces and undoubtedly this nation needs to collectively help him with, or is it shitting on him for calling strangers and threatening them?

That’s the rub. I feel for the guy, but that’s how far down the rabbit hole we’ve fallen if this kind of behavior is Okay and


*furiously racks brain for best possible masturbation joke*

The meme has everything. Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Kermit the Frog, an amazing kicker and an old racist with a bloody ankle

Burneko: Get fucked, John Kasich.

GOP: Please stop voting for the large, clear garbage bag we filled with the dusty semen of our elders and had a woods witch bring to life with an enchantment many years ago. The experiment went horribly wrong. I mean, sure, the animated bag of old republican semen had a stunning academic run and just, sort of, kept

Did you hear about this via

Killer Mike, Cornel West, Ben and Jerry, Nina Turner, Tammy Duckworth, Garcia, Guitierrez, Lucy Flores, Ben Jealous... Union endorsements and many other organizations.

Not as rich and full volumed as your hair would be with Pantene.


Geez, Cleveland gets all the luck.

I agree. Billy is really determined to write words. You can’t have articles without words and we all want to read articles.

I definitely like this article. Some people have suggested it is aimless, but no point is made without aiming about. It is fine. I read it and I liked that I read it, okay?

Hey Joe, whaddaya say to 4 more years?

She should not consider anyone in the Senate. We need each democratic senator we have in there to stick around and hold the ground we have. Isn’t there a good natured Governor from somewhere who she can ask?

I’d posit that the definition of “right” with the Spurs is based on the actual merits of basketball success - ball movement, spacing, unselfishness, etc. whereas the Cards definition is based more in moral piousness.

Because we hear about them playing the “right” way mostly from people who aren’t either Spurs or Spurs fans.

THat’s the only highlight you could muster in the is 4-0 win? Gosh, Barca must have had a bad game on Sunday.

I’m voting for the candidate whose ideologies most closely align with my own, in the hopes that a strong showing will be a message to future candidates that there is value in supporting true liberal policies.

Michael David Smith ‎