Younger Kennedy

But I feel like there has to be something said for pitchers pitching in spots they’re used to. Miller is a starter turned reliever, he has really seen it all, but dude is a unique player. If you thought Morton could start the inning, don’t pull him after one walk especially when he’s better at limiting lefties. At

Oh, a Hammers fan, usually have trouble hearing you guys. Good luck avoiding the drop!

You mad?

Feel like you didn’t actually have to run and get dinner tho.

LOL, we’ve got people citing the Federalist and Ben Fucking Shapiro in here.

“Ben Shapiro is a dullard and an extraordinarily poor writer. Also, his voice, particularly when trying to ‘gotcha’ rap lyrics is nasally and grating.”
-Me just now

Yeah, clearly reality-forced altruism is doing a lot for the wealth gap. Is it

Sorry, a few more quick ones.

1. My family saw Tim Duncan at a Baskin Robbins. My dad insisted on going up to him and shaking his hand. “Mr. Duncan. I’m a big fan of yours.” Tim was nice, didn’t say much or anything, but clearly wanted to be left alone.

Back in May 2005, I was about 12, living in Houston.

Saturday May 7, the Rockets got fucking pantsed by the Mavs in Game 7 by 40 points. It was a frustrating and poorly officiated series, but we just didn’t show up that last game.

The next day was Mother’s Day. I was at the florist with my dad and my brother picking

So when you say, “We need to be so much better than this,” you’re saying that we need to be so much better at hiding this stuff?

CNN is a garbage dump. Brazile is an embarrassing hack. Clinton was never not going to win the primary, and yet she just couldn’t help but insist on playing dirty. I’m voting for her

Y’all never fucking learn.

Ah, a humbled Warriors fan. Let’s see how long this lasts.

As a Texans fan, will my team always be butt?

Always Pulisic truthers.

Fallon sucks. Free the Roots.

This is truly some drivel, and coming from a punkass white man like Brooks, his leaning on the historical idealized (whitewashed) form of American history is exactly why people are protesting. He references “All men are created equal” without noting the irony of the slavemasters who wrote our founding documents. What

The Clinton Foundation acts as a charitable consultancy. The Clinton Health Access Initiative, they save lives. CHAI is an entirely separate entity with its own board. Nobody is criticizing CHAI or the work they do. CF is a slush fund.

They still received an A- from Charity Watch, so I’m not sure I’m walking back my larger point, which is that Charity Watch is bunk. I believe the Red Cross does more on the ground initiatives than does CF, which largely acts as a consultancy and lets CHAI handle their actual programs.

And yet they received an A- from Charity Watch. It’s almost as if Charity Watch doesn’t count for much at all.

Even so, the Red Cross probably does more on the ground work directly than does the Clinton Foundation, which is mostly a charitable consultancy. Everyone has seized on the Red Cross thing, I suppose because

Fair. Enough. I would still argue that in terms of on the ground work, the Red Cross does far more than the Clinton Foundation, even if it is also poorly run. The Clinton Foundation is largely a consultancy offering funding for other organizations that do actual on the ground charity work.

Even so, the larger point I

Please explain then, what is the rating supposed to signify? The charity rating cited includes the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which is a separate entity. Charity Watch is part of a foundation, which is itself a Clinton Foundation donor. Even if the Red Cross point was dumb (it is, I guess, but whatever) that’s

Charity Watch and Fact Check are both part of the Annenberg Foundation, which is a donor to the Clinton Foundation. How’s that fact treating you? Do you guys really have to twist and turn this much? The Clintons are better than Trump. I’m going to vote for Hillary. Do I have to be super stoked about her inability to