Younger Kennedy

So just because she didn’t have single handed/unilateral control over arms sales you’re comfortable with the cozy relationship between foreign entities and CF/State Dept? The State Department has major oversight in this area. She was involved in the decision and she was a respected voice in the room, and she was also

Except it’s not. The Clinton Foundation does very little on the ground charity work. CHAI does do on the ground work, but it’s an entirely separate entity. CF acts mostly as a consultancy for other charities. If you look at their outlay, it’s mostly for salaries, benefits, etc., and then they pocket a fair amount of

Except that foreign governments that donated to the foundation saw an increase in arms sales after donating. For that matter, even the small bureaucratic corruption of trying to help Jeffrey Schwarzman with a visa issue becomes a lot grosser when you realize Schwarzman compared Obama to Hitler for going after Wall St.

This is unspeakably dumb. Access to the secretary of state through cash payment is fucking corruption. In fact, if you’ll recall, after Citizens United, there was a big push by Democrats suggesting that even the appearance of corruption is corruption. This is way more than appearances.

Can you give some reasonable examples beyond Foundation press releases about the good the Clinton Foundation is doing globally? It’s been well-publicized that their work in Haiti has been an unmitigated disaster. Their AIDS work that they want credit for is actually done by CHAI, a separate organization with a

That’s not even accurate. The Clinton Health Access Initiative operates as a separate charity. They’re the ones doing most of the actual on the ground AIDS work and they split off from CF in 2010.

For that matter, to answer a complex set of concerns with a random blanket “A” grade from some website as if it’s a silver

And yet, nothing to say about the Super Predators comment. It’s almost as if you don’t have a cogent answer for it.

Ethan, my man, the Jets don’t even play in New York State!

Do not let Mangino sit on your jokes, dude.

Sure it’s better. That’s a pretty low bar, though, don’t you think?

Not to speak for Hannah, but I think 1) don’t congratulate yourself for being a feminist 2) don’t tie your feminism to a purely personal context because that’s shitty feminism

Did y’all do the mouth-eyes thing on this picture? Fucking terrifying.

Sure, but how far can he punt a football?

Hodgson is an idiot. Kane shouldn’t be taking set pieces. He’s not great at them, and on top of that, he’s one of the best target men on the team. Horrible mismanagement.

How jazzed were you to see Jack get some run? I had forgotten he even could run.

I can’t do it. I love Hakeem too much. For what it’s worth, Jordan said Hakeem would be his center in his 5. I did think about it.

He was an incredible 2 way force. All time blocks leader. I believe he was top 20 all time in steals for a center.

As a Rockets fan, I obviously have an abiding love for Ralph Sampson and he was really fucking good for several years with us. That said, I’d take Drexler number 1 that year and pair him with Hakeem from the start.

Seems like you might be the one digressing since you don’t mention Palantir at all. Maybe just grind your axe in your own home? Like in the same place you jerk off or something?

It’s the classic strategy perfected by Muhammad Ah Shit Argentina Just Scored