Younger Kennedy

Maybe Lacob can raise some seed money for an app to deliver tissues to all these Warriors stans.


I visited with a class of mine when I was at NYU. To be honest, the museum is well-curated and everything, but I’m not sure it’s really possible or wise to make a museum for something that happened so recently. Inevitably, the tour/exhibits trade a lot of the nuance of 9/11 for rah rah patriotism, which is frankly

The other series that’s...2-2 is decided? What the fuck is an arbitrary player?

Are you on mescaline?

I’ve allowed in all of my responses that he should be condemned and face the consequences of his actions, but merely also stated that I don’t see any particular pleasure in mocking a guy who probably has issues beyond just being a dick. I’ve said multiple times that I’m just taking him at his word.

Think of it another

Bernie won majority black voters 17-29. He won 30% of black voters over all. Do those people not count?

Totally fine. I was referring more to the general sentiment. Carry on.

That’s all I was saying. It’s an internet comments section, we don’t have to expect much, I just thought it was kind of a sad read and to me the empathy is right there waiting for us to grab it. Nobody needs to excuse what he did, but maybe just admit that these outbursts of gross anger are usually not the result of

Hey, I agree with that. Just saying the rah rah rah of demeaning him for being poor was offputting.

I mean, they’re making fun of him for living with his mom. In the article he says he’s got a disability of some kind and not a lot of money to his name. To a person like that, maybe he was just venting in a really unhealthy way. I’m not excusing the death threats at all, I just think it’s kind of sad. Just in his

It’s...not a competition of what’s funnier? I read this and felt pity. Death threats are not okay. The guy lives in Wisconsin with his mom and again, taking him at his word, he’s got 300 dollars to his name, no job, and high medical bills. The whole thing makes me sad. Y’all realize that the goal is to eventually

I mean, sure, sending threats to people is wrong and we can only take people at their word so much, but if a guy is in his 20s and lives with his mom and might have disabilities and lacks economic independence it seems weird to shit on him for it. Like if someone can’t afford to live on their own that’s not

I wish I could make a joke here. My dad passed in December from a blood clot that moved from his calf to his heart. He was immobilized due to surgery, so a different situation, but still, he was a healthy guy. Don’t fuck with blood clots.

He was quoting a female academic and activist and there was a context in relation to what was being said by Albright and Steinem at the time. Does one line seriously delegitimize everything he’s said on the campaign trail?

Cornel West may have baggage, but Bill Clinton has a whole lot more.

Killer Mike.

A better question might be who exactly Ronaldo gets along with. Doesn’t he pretty much gesticulate at everyone for not passing him the ball? I don’t doubt that his relationship with Bale could be better, but I mean, Ronaldo was only sad Ozil left because Ozil was a constantly willing passer, right? Not because of some

Can’t wait to try to get the nickname ‘Tater’ to take off when he gets here.

But maybe they’re into that sort of thing.

This is a good point. If she’s going women women, go for Michelle Obama.

Kidding, but it’s an interesting thing. I have a feeling she’s not going to pick anyone that exciting. In many ways, Clinton herself is the pizzazz aspect of the ticket, so unlike say, John McCain trying to shake things up, she should feel

Summer after freshman year of high school. I attended a 4 week debate camp in Michigan (I’m from Texas). Some cool kids from DC (still friends to this day) invited me to come along with them on a fantastic voyage, which in this case meant smoking out of a metal cigarette one hitter in a cemetery. I recall seeing