Young Ken

Ah, shit, this one’s just for fun now: fuck Ben Shapiro

One more for safe measure: fuck Ben Shapiro 

Also, I can’t stress this enough: fuck Ben Shapiro 

You seem to have pegged me as an ultra conservative person for some reason, so, let me clear the air here:

I have no issues with politics in reviews, but it feels way off here. For many of us, video games have been that one outlet that has kept us sane or from falling into a deep depression. Its been that one release that has put a smile on our faces in a year that has taken so much from us. Yes, there will be some people

No, I’m not, I’m just a person with 10+ years of professional writing experience and literal awards. He’s virtue signaling instead of providing an actual review for the product, which he was provided in good faith. Notice how the Xbox Series X review doesn’t feel the need to bring this crap up? We understand that

This wasn’t even slightly poignant, it was just really terrible writing with a complete lack of knowing your audience. It essentially assumes that you’re a bad person for wanting to get a console during a time of crisis and almost even implies that people aren’t fighting for their lives in this country when COVID

...And incredibly inappropriate in a console review. There are better venues for that. If his goal is to scare people off purchasing a product, which in turn might raise eyebrows from advertisers, go on.  Real smart Kotaku!

Yeah, this could have been one sentence that said: “Don’t go out of your way to buy this immediately if you’re struggling right now.” The end.

Yeah, I actually had a slightly more nuanced edit that I forgot to actually hit publish on and then Kinja timed out on me. Here it is for posterity:

I don’t mind Kotaku writing about that sort of thing - at all! - I just find it a little weird as the summation of the entire review; it’s like the last few paragraphs basically read ‘hey, you know the entire rest of this article? None of it really matters, because everything’s trivial right now, anyway; in fact,

Maybe in the context of one their many articles regarding social issues and gaming - but shoe horning it into the actual console review is just weird.

That’s why I got mine. My black ass could end up unemployed or dead whenever, so why not enjoy it?

Absurd addition to this review.  Are we going to mention ongoing tragedies in every review of luxury items and consumer products?  "Here's an RTX 3080, but let's reflect on the pandemic that has killed 240k Americans.  You probably should feel bad for buying this"

As someone who’s legitimately excited about a Biden presidency, the notion that having ‘a different old white man sitting behind the Resolute desk’ would somehow make the ‘worst people’ ‘go away’ is... a bit much to take in a PS5 review. And kind of creepy, honestly. I’m not saying there’s no reason to feel that way,

Yep, what I want to read about in my reviews of products is the state of the world and politics.  BEST part of the review.

Don’t be pedantic. If Silver wanted the guy fired, he would have been ended up fired, or at least suspended or had some punishment imposed. There is lots of soft power in situations like this. Morey didn’t get punished because Silver didn’t think a punishment was appropriate here.

The point being made by a lot of

“The losses have already been substantial,” he said. “Our games are not back on the air in China as we speak, and we’ll see what happens next. I don’t know where we go from here. The financial consequences have been and may continue to be fairly dramatic.

And this is why when I tweet about China, it’s only to say how Winnie the Pooh wishes he was as handsome and wise as President Xi Jinping.

Everybody identifies with owners in 2019