
I mean, just imagine how snappy this thing would be to top up if it could take advantage of 150 kW speeds, like plenty of modern EVs do.

That’s not the inventor. That’s a billionaire that bought the Segway company in 2009.

Yeah, not true.

Bolt owners:

I kind of interested in the RAV4 Prime when it was announced, but then they became unobtanium at MSRP in my area. I was just checking the listings on CarGurus and the USED SE trim models are over $60k.

They are assholes, not fascists. In fact, they are “fighting” against their perceived oppression by the government. In that way, they too are anti-fascist.

well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition

Hopefully Ford doesn’t go woke...its not working for Disney.

...Hopefully Ford doesn’t go woke...its not working for Disney. Industry forgets labor intensive jobs want trucks, not someone who needs to load his toy poodle for a walk in the park.

OK, hear me out, I honestly think that Elon Musk buying Twitter is the best thing that could have happened to Tesla. It’s my belief that Tesla has suffered from too much of Mr. Musk’s attention. Musk is not a good CEO. He’s a good idea guy, he’s a great lightning rod. But companies that have his attention tend to have

Or if you drive a sedan.  At which point, every single SUV out there has it’s headlights pointed directly at your face. 

It’s how they got Al Capone, basically.

Denying accusations is damn near just a part of doing business any longer, sadly.”

Being allowed to do those things is literally what the founding fathers fought for...

tEaRiNg DoWn StAtUeS oF fOuNdInG fAtHeRs!

You really wanna go there bud? First of all, its not the statues of founding fathers being torn down. Its confederate statues. As a native southerner who’s family actually fought on the side of the confederacy, those statues are not worth the pot metal they are made out of.

 And of course I bet you are like most

Don’t forget to add in maintenance costs into your calculations. My Bolt requires two cabin air filters in 130k miles, that’s it. And what’s your time worth? Rough napkin math tells me that in the 45k miles I’ve driven the Bolt I’ve saved about 34 hours of standing at a filling station pumping gas. I know it won’t

Drivetrain losses only accounted for 18% of the energy expenditure for EVs per official Mercedes report on Motortrend, so motor size obviously wasn’t the secret sauce. The motor was 241 HP, which is ~180kW. Aero accounts for more than 60% of energy use, the key is smallest frontal area and lowest cd possible, as well

I need to go 300 400 500 600 750 miles minimum each way towing a 9,000 lbs. trailer up hill in both directions. I put a 2 liter soda bottle on my weiner so I don’t have to stop. I’m 5'9" and weight 350 lbs. so I don’t need to stop for food except for the family sized bags of chips and cheese doodles. I drink from the