
you’re forgetting that they keep inching the price up of a regular ICE (because they can) so soon there won’t be any cost penalty to getting an EV because ‘that’s just what cars cost’

His car is also 12 years old. I’m guessing he’s also just in the market. (Though he’s waited this long, he should wait a bit longer)

I think it’s more like “Well it’s time to replace my aging car, since I am going to be in the market anyway I would prefer an EV.” 

Aren’t republicans supposed to be the party of small government that doesn’t stick their nose into your business?

They’re the party of ‘law and order’ as long as the law is enforced to keep minorities in order.

It’s like Florida leadership and Texas leadership are having a “hold my beer” competition.

Ya know dale. Besides the fact that idiots like you are willing to spend more money to hate people than it would cost to help them. It’s called returning the border to what it was. But I know you do not comprehend that so one day I hope your suffer and are in need and treated exactly the way you want others to be

Its just a Republican governor doing things to hurt the country so people can blame Biden. 

State-sactioned human trafficing, pretty much.

Not to mention he’s bussing undocumented immigrants into D.C., which is a federal crime itself. Party of law and order! 

It’s like Florida leadership and Texas leadership are having a “hold my beer” competition. The only thing worse than Abbott and DeSantis are the dotards that vote for them.

Well if Abbot is that concerned then we should just close the border to all crossings in Texas. That should take a load off his mind. Traffic can flow through California, New Mexico, and Arizona instead.

Gluttonous and environmentally criminal, I don’t understand what people are trying to say about themselves behind the wheels of these rolling yachts. Didn’t the last Wagoneer in 1990 get 15 MPGs?

We’re calling it the Busy Forks.  It will never be “Beyond Zero 4x” to me.  What a bunch of marketing wank.

I think one of the important aspects of an EV review that probably wasn’t available to you in this controlled-environment, short-term test is ease-of-use & speed of recharging. Often, a car company’s vision & dedication to EV tech is seen in things off the road/out of the driver’s seat: what are the differences in

I didn’t include it because I didn’t want this to run too long, but being an owner, he still had access to the Tesla app. In one of the instances of him getting a “service completed” reminder, he did a locater ping through the Tesla app to see where the Model X was. It was sitting just 11 miles away in a salvage yard.

Who knew the EV breakthrough could have simply been small cars?

I see that Kinja is doing its usual rearrangement of links to move the associated text out-of-order.

It gets worse when you see that Tesla quietly removed the return policy eight months after he purchased his Model X. Anyone that wanted to return a Tesla after that just got directed to some customer service rep.

Where are all the “direct sales will save us all” folks? Tesla literally says you can return the car without an issue, but wrote in an arbitration clause so you can’t do it easily.