This sounds suspiciously like the “gravity battery” or a gee whizz alternative to pumped storage hydro
This sounds suspiciously like the “gravity battery” or a gee whizz alternative to pumped storage hydro
So...they’ve reinvented hydroelectric power to be more expensive and less efficient? Why not just pipe the water to the bottom where it would generate power then load it on trucks if you must deliver it to...place unspecified?
I really wish the burden of reducing the pollution and carbon footprint in America was placed on large corporations rather than reducing the fuel economy in the vehicles of normal people struggling to get by as it is.
Wow, you’d think after the Volkswagen diesel scandel no one would risk this.
That’s a lot of zeros.
Current EVs are far cleaner over their lifespan by every measure. Engineering Explained has a better video explaining it. People ignore all of the oil production, farming for corn for ethanol and all the ancillary stuff for ICE that they try to cram in when comparing an EV. Getting Oil out of the ground, processing it…
Something that is normally not factored into this (and I have been a hater on EV’s for the pollution they create away from use) is the only way we can get to more environmentally friendly EVs is keep evolving. ICE has gotten better over time, so will EVs. Sticking our heads in the sand and arguing that ICE is better…
The Model Y is hideous and not friendly to reintegrating someone to driving with it’s interior layout.
I’ll say it, just to get it out of the way.
Automated cars would be easier to stomach if whatever executive in charge of the program would be held personally responsible for all accidents, as though they were driving the vehicle themselves. I know laws and other stuff will get in the way of that, but I expect that would make the c-suite feel a lot more…
Musk is a white South African who is now a Texas billionaire. He wears cowboy boots, hat and gigantic silver belt buckle.
He moved his company to fucking Texas where they would like to outlaw gays or worse!
how Tesla earned a 100-point score from HRC
They even said, on video, that they have no intention of increasing supply.
“Even Crazy Gas Prices Can’t Convince Americans to Buy EVs, Says New Survey”
Check out plugshare - set plugs to CCS (or Tesla) - there might be more fast charging options for roadtrips than you had thought. More stations are coming online.
Gas might be $7/gal, but I can still manage that compared to a new Mini Electric even. It’s Captain Vimes’ boots theory all over again...
Green H is coming right after clean coal.
Arguably CNG would be a far better, more cost effect solution compared to hydrogen. But even that was a non-starter. And with higher natural gas prices these days, CNG will go nowhere. And if a business case can’t be made for CNG, the situation will be even worse for the cost of hydrogen given that most hydrogen is…