
Nah, I kind of know what I’m talking about. I have a background in finance and lending. A long term is not a good idea on a vehicle. Theres no way to leverage it. You’re paying more interest because longer terms usually have higher interest rates. Plus you’re paying on an asset thats depreciating fast. Which means

However, with a rate of 7.85% APR, or 8.85% with dealer markup, a $30,000 car could cost well over $40,000.

Is this gonna have that weird math where big trucks get some sort of exception and such so 40 MPG really means somewhere in the mid 20's for realworld gas mileage?

Different tools for different jobs.

I guess your idea of performance and idea of performance are not the same. For me, it’s about other aspect such as handling, braking, efficiency, charging speed etc. And in my opinion, for what you are paying, the e-tron is the worst in its class. It just doesn’t make sense. For example, the iX is a better vehicle,

I feel like all these “hur-duuur, if it’s not as quick as a Tesla, it’s shiiite” people don’t realize that the average vehicle (by volume) is somewhere in the 8-10 second 0-60 range. Think all those four-cylinder vehicles with automatic transmissions. The reality is that sub six-second vehicles are relatively rare in

Thank you! I am so sick of hearing how such and such new EV won’t beat a base Model 3 in a quarter mile. It. Doesn’t. Matter. I live in San Jose and see Teslas as much as I see Honda Accords, and they both go the same speed.

The Mini E would be fine at $20k but it’s just stupid priced the same as a Bolt that, although less luxurious, gets well over double the mileage.

Agreed; not sure the issue in LA is that “people be stopping too much” (I live in LA). 

It’s still a pedestrian crossing, even if it wasn’t painted, and even if it was painted illegally.

It’s still got an air-cooled (or more apt, uncooled) battery, too. Don’t forget that.

A fact I wish this article mentioned - these are ALREADY legal crosswalks. Any non-marked intersection is... you guessed it.. a legal crosswalk. The paint just makes the legal crosswalk easier to see. These “illegal” paint jobs are likely not creating new crosswalks, but highlighting existing non-marked crosswalks.

Is someone buying a 6,000 lb SUV really buying it for the performance, though? It’s roomy, comfortable, and can travel an ok distance on one charge, or enough for the typical around-town duties. It has a prestige badge, normal controls, and isn’t styled like a Hot Wheels toy. That’s enough for a big portion of the

That would likely cause the opposite issue that these people are fighting. Most people already treat stop signs as yield. Change them to yields and they’ll just ignore them. 

Thanks, you just described my Bmw i3; misunderstood, overlooked and fantastically liberating all for under $20G. I’ve owned many cars: ego boosting sportscars, muscle cars, huge diesel haulers, and a Suburban or two (because Suburban is the single word answer to 99% of your active family automotive needs) but only one

So amusing how someone who has no liquid wealth can somehow find $3 bil to buy stocks...

can’t believe how many fucking idiots think the first amendment applies to their tweets on a platform owned by a private company

Ok, that’s one way to not get banned.

It’s a VW. Being excellent at being mediocre has been their unique selling point for decades.

1 : An 11 years old Volt is an early EV(hybrid), and it is made by GM