
I think this is wonderful. Had an Excelsior inline 4 of the same vintage. Was a kick in the pants. It also stunk, leaked, dripped, broke, and required parts that had to be made. Have a Zero DS electric motorcycle, and a Segway 160 for the kids. For an electric car have a converted Karmann Ghia that was featured on

I suffer from cognitive dissonance, because I viscerally agree with you by principle.

This one’s a classic from the Obama years, but still perfectly accurate:

But on the other hand, we have oil company profit margins to consider.

The sad part, 25% of Americans probably believe this.

Scarcity is a function of demand, not of absolute rarity. Relatively common things are scarce if there still isn’t enough to meet the demand for them.

EV batteries are composed of scarce, expensive materials.”

“All (white, property owning, penis-having and presenting as male men) are created equal”

But won’t someone think of the precious, vulnerable oil companies? They bought Congress, so frankly I expect lawmakers to do nothing, or at least nothing that doesn’t also benefit big Auto or Oil.

Yeah Ford patented this but it’s not going anywhere.

Hydrogen is a dead end and trying to burn it in an IC engine is even sillier.

I suspect this is mostly a marketing ploy showing Ford’s green thumb and that an ICE using hydrogen will never see a sales floor. That typed, it does make some degree of sense. At least to the suits in the Ford board room.

And I’m into research and development on hydrogen storage and usage anyway, simply because that can lead to a number of other benefits.  Batteries can’t do it all “YET”, and neither can hydrogen.  But getting both technologies more advanced is highly beneficial.

For consumer automotive applications, Hydrogen is, has always been, and always will be a junk technology. As much as we want it to happen, it almost certainly won’t, and shouldn’t. Here’s a short form essay from one of my fellow Oppositelock Kinja exiles over at our new home, the Hyphen, which you (yes you) should

Hydrogen as a combustible replacement for petroleum based fuels is just trying to placate a couple of generations too ignorant and stubborn to fucking let go. That is an inefficient use of hydrogen and just lowers the efficiency hydrogen already loses to its production and transport.

anything that can happen to keep us from being beholden to those lying racists gets my attention.

Even if they manage to create a way for traditional ICE’s to run a hydrogen, the bonkers storage and infrastructure probably mean it would probably only make sense for heavy trucking. Trucks can’t afford to throw gobs of their GVWR at battery packs. Hydrogen has a lot of faults (costs), but there is probably a point

Patience, young man. Rome wasn’t built in a day. (Any other boomer sayings I can throw in here?) BEVs are about at the 1920s stage in ICE development. Cars didn’t really start to fall into the “affordable range until the ‘40s and ‘50s. That day will come, sooner than it did for ICE.

Along with literally everything else?