
DeJoy is a soulless vulture like the rest of these business ghouls. Shit-can them all I say or string ‘em up and burn ‘em.

3rd Gear: The lack of EV funding is 100% on Louis DeJoy. The dude has been doing absolutely everything he can to sabotage USPS, both short and long term, and this is definitely a long term sabotage.

You don’t have to imagine it.

I mean..... a monorail is way worse.....

No, they weren’t.
You know who did burn cities?
White people have burned whole Black communities to the ground, then stolen that land, and put their own cities up instead.
So, one difference between, say, a protest, a legal protest, and the activities you mention, is that no, despite what right wingers say, people

Just because you have trouble understanding how the term is applied does not make it “watered down.” It just means you sympathize with white nationalists. Good for you. I bet there are lots of good people on that side.

Do you think there aren’t racists in California?

Despite his background, I actually doubt that Elon is maliciously racist. I think it’s more likely that Elon (like most privileged white men) isn’t even aware of how racism manifests. He understands the definition of the word and the implications in the abstract; but not what it really means for the people who are on

The lawsuit claims the incidents took place from 2015 to 2019. Which isn’t that long ago. There is also recent evidence to suggest that not much may have changed since 2019.

allegedly as recent as 2019.

Just imagine what repair costs are going to be when these cars start to get older. Even simple issues are going to require multiple diagnostic trees depending on which variant you have.

Ask one of those engineers how they feel about removing a ‘redundant’ safety system from a device that directly impacts the health and safety not only of the user but the people in the immediate vicinity.

Just ask.

We are of the same mind.

lol, just typical tech baron shit. I appreciate Tesla for all its done in mainstreaming EVs and building a car company from scratch. Truly impressive feats. However, as someone who will most certainly by an EV here in the next few years i wouldnt ever consider buying one from Tesla. 

You were right about almost everything, but you deserve a slap for that Logan comment.

I can't take the rest of your response seriously after your Logan condescension

Oh for fuck’s sake. The CVT is fine. I have an outback with a CVT and it does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It replaced a VW sportwagon with a manual transmission and honestly, it’s fine. No normal person and 90% of “enthusiasts” do not care about the CVT. It works, it shifts, it gets you where you need to be. It

Gotcha.  Knowing that the math works out great.  Thanks

FAA regulations require an IFR fuel reserve enough to fly an additional forty five minutes beyond the planned destination. All commercial aircraft are operated as IFR regardless of conditions. 

Much lighter, more advanced battery technology will be needed before electric jets can replace the big polluting planes we currently travel in.