
Thanks. The real hack is Android device depreciation. This works great on the phone you might have in your junk drawer, but if you buy a $100 Pixel 2 XL you get a quad HD OLED display that updates at 60 Hz and access to all Android apps in split screen. OLED at night on a display that is just right sized to not block

But i still would worry about Tesla’s seeming inability to fix its ongoing build quality issues. It’s been 10 years since the model S debuted, and panel gaps, seals, paint quality and interior trim are still problems. Their charging network is a huge advantage, as is the state of their battery systems, but i can’t

I want to like these, because they look sweet and its not a Tesla. But for 50k you can get a LR Model 3 with almost 100 miles more range, more power, and a bajillion more charging stations.”

The Kia will have actual thermal management, so the range wont nosedive in 5 years. So that’ll be nice. 

Speed and range are directly proportional on EVs. You can’t have long range without a big battery and having a big battery allows for big power-dumps, something not possible on a small battery. It wouldn’t save any money to sell a slow, long range EV, so they may as well market the easy numbers

Why waste capacity and effort building something that barely breaks even when you can do the same and make $10k per unit?

If we had a functioning SEC Musk would be in prison.

Neutral: I was super enthusiastic about Tesla at first. The roadster was extremely promising, and I thought Musk was a real innovator who was here to bring us into an EV future.

I reject part of your premise... that fuel is expensive. $3.10 a gallon? That’s seriously cheap. Americans are just too used to cheap gas.

It’s really not.

Just a reminder that while we don’t get the Up, we do get the Spark.

Bullshit. They have shown over and over again through tests that you stop quicker on ice with winter tires. They test it on an ice rink, you think black ice is so much different? It is not hard, it is science. As long as the temp is consistently in the range specified for the compound of the tire, they are better.

That’s been done by Renault and didn't go that well as secondhand buyers don't take kindly to have to keep paying for the battery and so resale values are poor. Renault were supposed to replace the battery once its capacity fell below a certain point but in real life they did everything to avoid this and in some cases

Wheat country is actually a pretty good supplier of all that needed green energy. Smart farmers would be building in free charging in exchange for windmill placement. Put in a few batteries and poof, your fuel bills just disappeared.

1st gear:

Send out checks to everyone—more money supply—so there’s less value. And we get inflation—only an idiot couldn’t see that effect coming.

Anyone spending less time than that probably isn’t on a road trip, and therefore probably wouldn’t be using the station with an EV in the first place.

I mean yeah if i am in town i am just filling up and leaving and it takes 5 minutes. If i am road tripping and/or towing my gas station stops are often 10-20 minutes. Get snacks, take the dog out so he can pee and stretch his legs, shift stuff around, get something out of the trailer, etc.

If you takes commuters out of the equation, who are going to charge mostly at home, you get rid of a lot of customers in the morning and evening rush hours.

I am in support of this. When I am on road trip or a longer drive I always make sure to get out, stretch my legs, grab a drink and grab a bite to eat. Funny things happen on the road, so I always like to be well fed and make sure I have used a bathroom when I can - because you never know when your next stop may be.