
Man, why can’t modern efficient vehicles look like that?

Here are my calculations.

I am getting similar numbers.

Your surface area is off. 15 square feet is the footprint of a large armchair.

Maybe it’s a Ecoboost F150? Could E85 benefit engine timing?

Short story: would recommend e85 for towing. Though normal commute saw 12% decrease in economy.

Neutral: No. God no. Of course not. Hell, a lot of the truckosexuals take low fuel economy as a badge of honor. Look at the rolling coal douchebags.

I’m sorry, but I think you’re just wrong. Focusing on the grid is still the right call. The grid should account for 100% of our consumption, and what it accounts for now is not relevant.

I drive a Clarity. Same size as an Accord, but a little over 4000lbs. It’s a heckin chonker.

20 years ago, “just focus on the electric grid” was the right call.

5th gear:

If EVs are in such high demand, why do that have such awful resale?

Electrify America’s DC chargers are, quite literally, sponsored by dieselgate. They’re part of VW’s penance.

When it comes to climate change, I’ve always told people to prepare to make sacrifices. You can sacrifice your finances, your convenience, your comfort, or the future. Choose one, or one will be chosen for you.

Disclosure: I’m one of the 30% who couldn’t have bought an EV without the credit.


Tell us how you really feel.

Audi had a lot of opportunities to improve the E-Tron’s efficiency. They use dual induction motors (!) which are notoriously lossy compared to sync AC, and older IGBT inverters instead of more efficient silicon-carbide MOSFET inverters. And they crammed all of this into a generic fat SUV shell which can’t possibly

Considering the engine revved at 6000rpm, Honda’s lack of turbo seems like a lost opportunity. I understand HKS and GReddy made aftermarket turbo kits that claim to get 200hp.

Well put.