
Currently, all fuel cell vehicles use batteries, and so will this one. For one, you need batteries for regenerative braking. For two, fuel cells run around 0.8kW/kg (around 0.5hp/lb) not including tanks. A 300hp fuel cell stack would optimistically be about 600lb, and at .02% powdered platinum, that’s about $3.5k in

I don’t make that claim lightly. This is coming from the UN. [1][2]

According to AAA, 20% of US drivers (and climbing) want their next vehicle to be electric. [1] “By storm” is an exaggeration, I’ll admit, but that’s comparable to pickup truck demand.

I didn’t mean that. I meant that EVs would have a growing market even without the policy help they currently receive.

Because Hydrogen is a way better tech all around.

I think the real question is why they invested in fuel cell rather than battery electric drivetrains.

They were actively trying to slow the electrification push. They thought they could throw their weight around to keep government policy from upending the automotive market in favor of electric vehicles.

The ID.3 will only be offered in Europe for the foreseeable future. The US will get the Crozz and Roomzz first, and the ID.3 may come here “eventually.”

Seconded. I don’t know why they stopped with these.

I am very excited for the VW ID line, but the ID.3 is not coming to the US. According to VW, it’s “maybe” coming to the US “eventually” after we get the Crozz and Roomzz, and some other vehiclezz.

I’m torn. On one hand, any EV under $8k is a nice price; it has the same entry price as a motorcycle and lower running and maintenance costs. Perfect for the daily grind. On the other hand, the Think City is not a good EV.

I think they put the wrong car out first

At least on this site, I think there’s a lot of news fatigue. Every week, there’s a new story about Tesla or Musk stumbling or backtracking. I have a lot of tolerance for any EV brand, but even I’m sick of it.

1. What’s the CHAdeMO charge curve look like? If it has a typical taper (peak 100kW), we should expect ≈190-220 mi/hr charge speed. That’s Bolt territory. If it’s more of a flat curve to 80%, it could be around ≈300 mi/hr.

I like this series because I enjoy watching you suffer.

Any attempt to reduce gasoline consumption will be deeply unpopular, and we’ll see a lot of finger pointing and whataboutism. But we need to keep the planet under 450ppm/2°C (34-40% population-adjusted CO₂ reduction by 2030 per IPCC), and even with great strides in the electricity supply, we cannot meet this goal

The UCS is an advocacy group, but their math is rock solid, and easy to independently verify. Let me break it down for you with some back-of-the-napkin calculations:

It got significantly worse mileage.

Today, with the industry catering more and more to top spenders, it’s much harder to be recognized as “luxury” without going over the top. Adding leather seats and wood panels and chrome rimmed dials barely even registers as luxury when you can get that in a Toyota Sienna.