You May Call Me Siggy

I love love love these product diaries because I too am a product junkie and have a problem when it comes to “wait I need to try this!”. But at the end of these I just wind up super envious of everyone who is waking up at whatever time they are and I’m very many hours into my day.

Yeah I’m from a suburb of NYC and while I’d be foolish to think that guns don’t exist here, they don’t exist in my family/circle of friends as something we give to each other as gifts. Thanks for the information!

Serious question. How does one gift a gun, like do you put it in a box and wrap it or is this a gift bag situation? Because one time my mom handed me a gift, completely unwrapped and it sucked, I hope the gun was wrapped up.

If it’s the romance of Harry and Meghan, why is Diana there at all?

Because if he can’t be bothered to fix something that’s so public, I assume his rig is moldy or something. He makes his money off his looks now, look better or I’ll assume the worst about the rest of him. #Shallow

He’s lovely but his hair bothers me. It’s too something and I’m not sure if it’s the cut or the color or the length but I can’t get past it.

I feel like I’ve read this quote or something similar for the last 10 years. Which is really odd to see as she and Matthew Broderick are going on their weird “look how in love we are” press tour. Like maybe don’t talk about your ex from 30 years ago?

I had an allergic reaction to some perfume once and I got hassled at Sephora’s register for some reason. I could see if the bottle was half used but I probably used two sprays from it. I tugged down the neck line of my shirt about an inch to reveal the hives. Why bother having return policies if I have to prove

Wow that’s awesome!

Ah I knew someone ended up on the pole, I had just assumed it was him. Thanks for the correction!

Meanwhile I got in a fight with American Eagle who’s boots fell apart after one wear. They refused a refund. ONE WEAR AND THEY SPLIT UP THE BACK

The best episode of the show was him babysitting Kylie and Kendall in season one. They brutalized him. Pretty sure it ended with him tied to the stripper pole Kris had in her bedroom.

Unless she lost the pregnancy, nope. She adopted a baby in 1993 and gave birth in 1994. Filming took place in 1991.

She got the role of Vicki Vale and broke her arm, Kim Basinger became VV. Michelle Pfeiffer got the Catwoman role after Annette Benning become pregnant.

I feel kind of the same way. I’m not totally cool with him being back on tv because you know his shitty behavior is just going to come out again. But it’s nice to see him accepting his abusive status.

I’ve never seen Spice World >_<

Doesn’t even have to be “well” if Trump is our standard of evil, sadly

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of a Woody Allen movie? Like if they were viewed in a vacuum, they just seem so dull and repetitive. Older man falls for younger woman with NYC as the backdrop. How has he made a career out of this lame ass formula?

The only sure fire way no one will work with Woody Allen, sadly, won’t happen until the man passes. And since evil never dies, we are fucked.

Is there such a thing as having too much gin though?