Go and Tell The Zygotes.
Go and Tell The Zygotes.
Yeah, I don’t think shaking what your mother gave you started in the west.
Which also happened to the German women during the expulsion from Czechoslovakia. A series of atrocities the world turned a blind eye to, because the Germans were “bad”.
Thank you. And of course women are human beings with the same capacities as the rest of the species. As you say, they haven’t had the chance to let that part of themselves shine, but they are great learners when given the opportunity.
Most civilizations are based on some sort of disenfranchisement. Other people, other species, planetary resources.
You’re right about the women being excluded. Many times the excuse for this seems to be one of “respecting the culture.” That the men of the region will simply sit down and kick their feet and scream if a woman is given a position of equality of-worse- a position somewhat superior to their own.
Well, I meant the workers who literally go into the hot zones to help, and are often victimized for it. Now as for helping those already in refugee camps, all you say makes perfect sense.
I’d agree, or I do agree, but the problem then is for such aid to get where it needs to go.
I’d say so. Life can be no joy even at the best of times. At its worst it is a yoke that you can’t wait to throw off.
Whenever a society collapses it seems inevitable that women bear the brunt of the horrors that follow. Men can consider themselves “lucky” they are among the dead in such conflicts, because for women or the elderly or weak, the suffering doesn’t end until death...sometimes not even then.
Off the City to City album, Home and Dry and The Ark are my fav.
Hey, not too shabby a taste from your old pop, Erin.
My wife and I watched it (both loved it) and I don’t see where all this is coming from.
Hey, she should have a little sympathy for the Devil.
He starred and produced. He also is supposedly a major Higgins and Elmore Leonard fan, so I place the blame there.
Cannot agree.
Brad Pitt, for taking a great George V Higgins crime novel and make an utterly execrable movie out of it. He stole 2 hours of my life.
A racial epitaph...
Had to track you down after you starred a comment of mine to tell you, that’s one hell of a screen name.
This is no shocker. Every Al Haymon fighter has the exact same style and usually the exact same fight: elude opponent till the judges hand you a decision win.