
Why does he keep saying the left will steal the election? What does that mean? That people will actually show up and vote for Clinton in the majority? That’s not stealing, that’s just winning an election.

Ugh I feel insulted for her that she has to go up against that buffoon.

Every single bit of 90s reissue-chic gives me heartburn, but especially the nasty Web 1.0 graphics going on in that Placebo Pets post. Sweet jiminy jesus.

Yes, phew.

Aw, you two cleared up the misunderstanding and made up! And just when I was about to bring out the Get-Along Shirt, too!

I can tell it is supposed to be art by the way it leaves me totally unmoved.

You lost me at “Yoko Ono”

My husband has had this criticism at each debate. I tried to explain to him that he doesn’t understand the gender issue but he just can’t wrap his mind around it. Blind privilege must be nice.

Nah. I’ve never seen a piece of performance art that couldn’t be mistaken for parody, so I’m fairly confident in writing off the entire medium as bullshit.

Well, sheesh, it cannot be EASY to move your limbs normally when you’ve got 3rd-degree burns over that much of a percentage of your body!

BOOM! She might’ve been Elvis, with that strut. “Thankyewvurrymuch, Las Vegas.”

He looked like he was reeling. When his family came on stage he could still barely move. It was a beautiful thing to see. The only one who looked at all animated was Tiffany.

Top pic, DT is thinking, “I WON’T look at her ass, I WON’T look at her tits! I won’t GIVE HER THE SATISFACTION!”

All White Women with a TV show are role models, you know the rules here

I’m not calling her claim false. If she was genuinely raped, that’s a fucking horrible thing to have happen. If she just got shitty drunk and fucked three dudes, that’s totally her prerogative. But if she WILLINGLY had sex with these three guys, then decided to claim rape after the fact, that doesn’t do anyone any

Putting the burden of proof on the prosecution instead of the defendant Is a big part of American law.

I don’t know man, it’s hard for me to think a rape victim would include a“lol” in a text about the case or would characterize her rape case in utilitarian terms like that. You are entitled to your opinion though but it does look bad.

I’ve no simpathy for her, in the same vein I don’t have simpathy for Camille Cosby. There, I said it...

They rehearsed her lines while they stood in the booth getting sprayed together, holding bronze hands.