
Whoa I was just making a flippant remark because they do fuck all for actual cancer research and they seem to only care about working with corporations who want to peddle pink crap to people.

You referring to Susan G. Komen as a non-profit... lulz.

I picture the tweeting. Oh, Lord, the tweeting:

Personally I will never understand people who get all skeeved out by the thought of butt besos with another human being, but go all swoony-kissy-smoochy-enthusiastic when a dog licks their face.

I’m definitely one who calls it “p-poppin,” and I think that’s probably what all the old school New Orleanians, myself included, call it when out of the public eye.

It feels like someone licking your asshole, there’s really no other way to describe it. Anyone lick your neck or body before? Kind of like that but more intense because you have a ton of nerve endings down there.

More bootyfingers for the rest of us.

I know this won’t help because anxiety doesn’t work that way but as a guy who eats a lot of ass I know what the risks are. I wouldn’t be eating ass if the idea of encountering a little brown was that traumatizing to me. Besides I usually do a recon pass first.

It ain’t that bad

I mean...idk why Nicki mad...he was prophetic in his own lyrics “And when he get on, he leave your ass for a white girl”... (I kid...not about the lyrics, those are real lol)


Clearly the answer to that question is “Yes.” Next query?

I’m sure they love the Constitution the same way the love the Bible: from afar. Reading either would just ruin the mystery.

The fact that the protesters, even immediately after getting attacked by dogs, could place the blame where it belongs (on the security guard, not the animal) is just so heartwarming and also heartbreaking at the same time.

Never been to North Dakota, huh?

Does Reddit sell branded apparel? It would totally complete the outfit.

I can think of no better group of people to whom to give my credit card number than people who publish everything they find to the Internet.

Donald Trump will both wear it and grab it.

Welp, all my xmas shopping is now done and it’s not even November. Thanks, Ashley Feinberg!

Can’t I just sell Russia my credit card number directly?