
Still trying to figure out what I need to do to get on the Soros payroll

That Pokimane tweet at the end of the article is hilarious. “Here are some more shots without makeup to show how pretty I am. No one looks good 24/7, except me, aren’t I pretty?”

Speaking of natural facial hair...WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO EYEBROWS. I would love to just see some normal fucking eyebrows again. Super thin, super thick, none of them without some sort of cosmetic something or other...and they all look strange...what is going on?

For sure. And don’t doubt that ol’ Pootie Poot isn’t going to orchestrate something just after the midterms if the dems take control of congress. I can virtually guarantee we are going to see something Reichstag-esque in the next two years. 

Matches his new shoes. 

Man, I need to get on the Soros’ Paid Minion bandwagon. I’ve got bills to pay.

I’m sure this’ll be an unpopular opinion, but if you don’t vote to deal with climate change, I honestly don’t care when climate change decides to deal with you. 

Please take me with you

I’m so angry day by day that I feel the rage will eventually consume me and I will spontaneously combust. 

Does he have a no trade clause? if not, trade his ass to the fucking hornets or someone for peanuts. Someplace he can sit for a season and think about what he’s done.

a state that will always vote against their own self interest

I just love that his number is 747. Fits perfectly. I think I’ll nickname him “Jumbo” 

In fairness there is probably a lot wrong with OP too. 

McGregor is a dick. Khabib apparently beat him, which should’ve been good enough for everyone. He needed to be the bigger man and just let the words float right by like the harmless bullshit they are.

I like where your optimism is at, but I don’t think we’ll be that lucky.

Yup. 2/3rds means nothing changes. 

This may be what it takes one day. And it’s going to be ugly.

I like Greedy Old People

Why would he do such a thing? It’s not like he’s a clearly partisan hack or something...

Yup. Other than moving to fucking Alabama or Tennessee or some other red(neck) state, there is literally nothing I can do to prevent this bullshit.