
It will never get done. All the small population red states will NEVER ratify anything that will diminish their power. Until you get states like Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, etc etc to turn even a slightly blue shade of purple, this shit is a pipe dream. Good luck with that. 

Agreed. There are some gerrymanders that are good for truly representative democracy, and then there are those that seek to exclude people from representation. It’s really not hard to ascertain which are which, and I’m stunned we still have to have this fucking discussion with our state governments and courts. 

I’m getting so incredibly sick of this CFB vs BK sexual assault shit. I’d bet money he did it. No question in my mind. The thing about it that’s pissing me off is that Kavanaugh already disqualified himself by lying to the senate MULTIPLE times. The released emails and his testimony prove it. The sexual assault

Agreed. Soooo many people out there who can’t play DPS for shit but insta-lock. Then you choose a support or tank, and do your best, but it doesn’t matter for shit if they can’t kill anyone. Incredibly frustrating. 

Dinner is only that expensive if you are going someplace “nice” or “fancy”

For some strange reason, Americans are all about “hard work” until the hard work has the nerve to ask to be paid fairly. It’s the weirdest, dumbest fucking thing. 

“If he doesn’t like it why doesn’t he just X”

LOL doesn’t matter. Dude is getting confirmed no matter what. Then I got news for everyone. Dems might win a slim majority in the house and even senate in November. MIGHT. But it won’t matter. Almost all the statehouses are controlled by republicans, and gerrymandering and voter suppression sure as shit is going to

That’s by design, obviously. The guy is a right wing flack. You know it, I know it, and anyone with half a brain knows it. And that’s the point. 

No shit. How awesome would Tokyo (or any major city be) if we banned cars once a month/week and everyone just walked/rode bikes/rollerbladed around for the day? 

I would argue “the right” and wrong have been on the same spectrum for a while now.

That sad part is, MCD was really magic, and now he’s gone. 

Wait really?

It’s a bit late for anyone not to have figured this out yet, but the skeleton key to understanding American conservatism is this: At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos. Its

Oh, right? In reality, this guy deserves every penny. Lugging that beer around all game in whatever weather is going on that day is a tiring gig. And you know what, a good beer/concessions vendor actually ADDS to the experience of going to the game. The service of not leaving your seat, combined with the added

I don’t think you are too far off. Most of the republicans you see not running for re-election see the writing on the wall I’m sure.

I’ll do you one better. Here’s how this shit is going to go down.

The funny thing is, he should ALREADY be disqualified for his well documented and proven lies to congress. We know he’s perjured himself at least twice. This alone should be disqualifying for a SCOTUS Justice. The fact that a decently credible rape allegation(hell, let’s be generous and lower it to plain old assault)

“Hey, they are just pouring beer, why do they feel so entitled to a living wage? After all, I shouldn’t have to pay $.50 more per beer, and I only make $50k/year. Why should he make more than me?”