See...I’m not sure they are capable of fully understanding the difference between patriotism and nationalism/facism. I blame all the post 9/11 rah rah America bullshit personally.
See...I’m not sure they are capable of fully understanding the difference between patriotism and nationalism/facism. I blame all the post 9/11 rah rah America bullshit personally.
I agree, but part of the problem is the US has a really large military, and the time is coming when they’ll start using it. (More unjustly than usual)
That’s easy. Immigrants are going to have kids. Those kids are going to be citizens. Those citizens are going to be, most likely, lefty democrat voters. Republicans and old rich white people wouldn’t be able to stay in power as easily once they become the minority. (They already are, and would be out of power if…
I agree with you, and that’s incredibly depressing. Nothing is more frustrating than the fact this is all so blatantly obvious, but people in this country are so absolutely fucking pants-on-head retarded that they can’t/won’t/don’t want to understand it.
And that is exactly what republicans want. The further back we regress the happier they are.
Also, I don’t know enough about soccer to know what “build from back” means. Kick ball far? I imagine LeBron could do that.
Could you imagine if Nadal was built like LeBron? The angle and speed of that serve would be bonkers.
“I’m taking my talents to Seattle, we’ll work out the details later”
On a weird side note... A basketball player should make a halfway decent keeper once they learn the basics of the game no? I mean, let’s face it, no one is beating LeBron to a high ball right? And his reach to the corners would be unparalleled based on sheer wingspan alone.
then you dumb
You’re doing it wrong
You are so すごい
You said “we don’t know what Nintendo’s online service looks like” when trying to argue that a company should be porting their designed for multiplayer game to Switch. You don’t see the inherent problem there....?
It’s not really fully portable though, is it? I mean, sure, it’s more portable than an xbox, but it still needs an internet connection or a network for online play, so ANY TIME is a bit of a stretch. It’s really not meant for all multiplayer games, and when it comes to a call of duty game those tiny shitty little…
You answered your own question there dude...
I’ll bet you AT LEAST 4.5 million of those purchasers own a PS4, Xbox, or PC.
wow what a fivehead
Please don’t. He needs to be made to feel as stupid as possible. (I’m assuming he can read and feel shame...maybe too much to ask)
We all know this argument is fucking stupid, and you should feel ashamed for even attempting to make it. What are you, 12? Go find some intellectual honesty, travel to a no guns country, and come back after college. Maybe then you’ll have a fucking clue.
but you know we absolutely should. The only way this logically ends is with no one carrying guns or everyone carrying them. I, and I imagine most people, don’t want to live in a country where everyone is carrying around a gun all the time. Pretty sure the vast majority of us would rather that no one has them, not even…