
They are making a multiplayer focused game. In what universe does someone publish that for switch? I know switch supports online play, but it’s not even remotely well implemented. They’d be fools to make the game for Switch.

Correct, and you can probably eliminate a few of those people simply by using the time stamp on the logs, and you are down to a very very small number of people.

Sounds about right

Hmm, you are assuming he plays Genji well. In my experience only about 1% of Genjis are worth a shit.

Man, if you want to leak something, I’d go to Avenatti too.

You would think....but...I wouldn’t put it past the Bank to have conveniently lost it.

As long as the system is setup properly they don’t even need someone for that. See my other post

Well, if they’ve set this up properly(a stretch I know), the person who could delete SARs should NOT be able to delete the audit/transaction logs(transaction logs should be undeletable/uneditable anyways but I digress). If both are deleted, there are probably only a handful of people who have permissions in the system

You think we’re going to get actual laws that would prevent our politicians from doing corrupt shit behind our backs? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Wow, super impressive. How does someone remember that shit?

beat me to it

yep, and that’s why I’m worried. These people are certifiable.

Avenatti is a beast. Honestly I’m not sure Mueller is even relevant anymore. Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti are going to put enough together to throw the lot of them (and maybe more!) in prison. This is fucking amazing and can’t happen soon enough. I just hope they both have some serious protection before someone

It’s really a shame you are probably correct. Can you imagine if the impeachment actually comes for Drumpf? Him and Fox News will be working these fucks into a froth I guarantee it. And violence will happen, no matter how legal the removal is.

Mental illness. What can’t it do? kinda is United’s fault. The flight crew should all be held accountable together. Her coworkers should’ve noticed something was off immediately and had her removed from that shift.

Nah man, fuck everyone else, I got mine

100% agree. You can often tell if you are winning or losing before the match starts by how many people are in voice chat, and what characters they choose. When it starts “genji, junkrat, hanzo, Ana, doomfist” and just you in the voice chat, you can be assured this match will not be worth your fucking time.

Don’t think so, at least the end shot didn’t show him with the Axe.

Avengers 4 doesn’t necessarily have to show the combined world, but leave us in a position where it could have happened.