
But do the needier schools get MORE money than the schools in wealthier areas? Or just “extra” money? I mean...if all the schools are funded the same, are some of them just so mismanaged that they suck THAT bad?

We don’t really know. Either way, Thor’s hammer can summon the bifrost, so he could easily get them since Rocket knows they went to Titan.

Clearly it wouldn’t have, since you expected them to die since they don’t have more movies coming. But don’t worry, Part 2 is when we get finality.

And the GoTG’s ship....

I disagree. I think at the end of Part 2 we’ll have a reversal of the heroes fates in Part 1. Stark and Cap will be gone, Bucky will be back to take over as the new Captain America, Shuri may decide to become Iron Man/Iron Panther/Vibranium Meme Slinger/who knows, etc etc. Or perhaps they’ll use the re-snap to just

Silly question...why aren’t we funding all schools the same, especially in major cities? I mean, I’m sure there are all sorts of bullshit complicated answers, but does anyone have a simple answer that’s not bullshit?

Came here to say the same. You will lose your sweater.

Genetics. He’s just dumb as a stump like his old man.

wow, over that fast.. sorry everybody else

a good take right here. no one understands the value of encryption until it’s their shit that should stay private

Here’s the thing though, he doesn’t even have to be right. He just needs to make Trump lose his shit, and then Trump will continue to make incriminating statements in re Stormy.

Agreed. He definitely should have been the live action Luthor.

I propose it’s not a big story yet because people like myself are waiting for his pitching elbow to explode. I hope it doesn’t happen, and that 10 years from now I’m completely amazed at how awesome Ohtani is. For now though, he’s a good player that plays for a team I don’t care about, and is a novelty until he gets

If you get lucky at the airport on your way home, get a bottle of the Hibiki Masters Select. It’s very comparable to the Hibiki 12 that Suntory stopped making. However, as a warning, I got lucky with the last bottle in Narita just last week. What I’m saying is, take what you can find.

No one is getting the Captain’s former Navy callsign and the world wants answers.

Saw a stupid poll on twitter that said “Would you rather have your next pilot be 1) A Man 2) A Woman.” Just some jackass trying to start some shit I suppose. But then I thought to know what would be a better poll to start some shit?

I’m mean, you can’t blame the defender for just giving up on this right? Who in their right mind gets in front of Davis here?

I did. it’s glorious.

Sexist? Sure. I’d believe it. I wouldn’t think of Berman as a racist though...I mean, at least I would have doubts. (There is a tape or story I missed somewhere isn’t there?)

I can’t believe it’s even a topic.