
Great point. I briefly felt better when I realized it's not even a predominantly liberal thing, and then I immediately felt worse about humanity.

But yeah, oh no, someone posted a comment about spearing a goose! I must let the world know that I am better than that person! To arms!

I'm certainly not defending the right wing or calling them reasonable, I'm just trying to Police Our Own and all that. I'm so tired of this stupid lazy idea we've developed that expressing outrage over some perceived injustice, or being "correctly" offended by some offensive thing in and of itself has moral worth.

It's just a person wanting to be super liberal in self-image and status but not have any actual principles in how their own daily choices. It's what the right hates about us.

I'm bored with the personal side of this, so I'm just gonna finish by saying you still haven't made any arguments except just that you don't like me personally. And that's fine, but it's not interesting or worth having a discussion about. I was drunk, and I don't remember thinking you were a woman when I wrote it, but

Nobody was making him have the discussion. A person who continually tells you they don't want to talk about something while then responding to your points with counterpoints of their own is lying, and I don't feel bad about steamrolling them for their dishonesty. Also, don't act like the

I'm among the "people who live in a country right next to China and are concerned by its aggressive militarism crowd," actually, but I'm glad your citadel of apathy has a nice moat of rationalization around it.

It took me about five minutes, if you really want to know, and I was getting paid while I was doing it. Who's wasting their time here, again?

Also — I didn't "miss a mistake." My point was not about mistakes, it was just about actually bad writing. Bad writing and simple mistakes in otherwise fine writing are two

It's awesome somebody you never met decided to make you take an intro to philosophy class; but kiddo, the grownups are still talking. You want some more potatoes? We're all very impressed with how grown up you've become; but go live another ten years and come back with this bullshit.

Jesus, you're actually clinically sick, because you're making the same jokes without the uterus to laugh at them.

Go live in the world you're prescribing, shut your sick mouth, or kill yourself. Plush garbage from somebody whose suggestions don't affect them aren't even plush in real life.

Who are you again? Who is "everyone"? Do your homework, already. Midterms are just a few months away.

It would be equally believable and useful if I told you self-effacingly about the pussy I get at parties. These dumb comments you volunteered for are you, forever: enjoy.

I could just copy and paste for this. Me me me, mental health. Cool. But do you have anything to say?

Well, I certainly hope you never get what you're holding your anus wide open for, for my sake. But if it happens, I'll try to feel better that your chubby, white, unmolested taking-peace-for-granted bones were literally welcoming it. China uber alles of us — fucking sweet.

Not at all — apples can be eaten without cutting down trees. and I'm not asking you to kill your own animals, simply to shut your hypocritical cuntface. Doesn't make sense? We can keep embarrassing you. Or you can go back to an education that is clearly doing nothing for you.

That's fine. Wait unt your civil war lover comes home if you want, but you've literally said nothing about why you feel anything. It feels good to kill, as your carnivorous pallette knows and is in denial of.

Amazingly, there is nothing I need to add to that completely irresponsible, on-the-absoltely-wrong-side-of-history comment to make it complete. It says a whole lot about the fat, safe post-Empire-mentality mindset that you even know enough words to express this and still want to express it, but as the Chinese say: May

It must feel pretty amazing never having had to question the feeling that it is somehow, metaphysically not the same. The class is still waiting for that reasoning, though, you cow-family-destroying, chicken-genocidoal maniac. Check my comment history — I bow to smart better contradicting smarts and wipe my ass with

This is a great argument, in an exchange about animal torture. But we're talking about a fatal wound caused by physical exertion, you shrink-wrap-loving supermarket-browsing hipster douchehole.

you are awesome