
how ironic.. they see you, simply, as another person. not as an expert, but as someone to market their product to..

you hit the nail on the head.

about a decade ago, at a website called there were many a thread that discussed the loudness wars.. it was a dark time for the industry.. glad to hear that some people have moved on. yet still saddened by the news that it is ongoing..

at least it's not as absurd as the megapixel wars.. or the

and beyond dark castle.. and lode runner.. and specter =] and MS flight simulator when it was all still wires.

hrm.. the 4 & 4s have the best audio chipset of any of the iphones released to date.. likely bc they were iphones that jobs approved.. as such, i'm simply going to get a new battery.

how does this have anything to do with architecture, design, mobile, security, science, space or art? i might buy security.. like an information security failure. but i have an even more difficult time suspending my disbelief that there was some sort of conspiracy to alter the documents that indicated which buildings

seriously, treating the symptoms?


lol, is it powered by the headphone jack?

no problemo.. i shoot ff typically, and have a crop sensor dslr for art/novelty lenses, but i'm always on the lookout for a milc to keep on me at all times, as they have many advantages. one of the biggest strengths of the milc, with regards to IR photography, is the wysiwyg nature of EVF. it makes IR a lot more

hrm.. if it's just to shoot IR, i can think of better devices to modify for IR photography.. you can get a used e-p2 on ebay for around $130, add a lens, and an eye-fi.. and you're still likely under the $200 sticker price for this camera

but if the goal is to share the IR shots.. immediately, from camera, then there

no.. nor do i own stock or have any vested interest in the success of theQ. have you checked out their website? it's very well built. if the camera delivers on the advertised features, it will be quite suitable for casual shooters.

the reason i find this camera exciting is because there are far too many cameras on

underwater IR photograms 0_o


Finally, a purpose built camera for the social shooter, that isn't a smartphone, and doesn't try to pack superfluous features into a p&s camera.

i really like the manual focus and ring flash, as well as shock/water proof design.

theQ's website has a very fun interface, and provides a great deal of information

lol, i was thinking

*snap* goes flying around the pole that is still attached to the harness, till the rider is stuck, dangling 20' above the ground...


it looks like a lot of fun.. but i wonder what it looks like when it fails 0_o

especially now that science fiction has explored all that could possibly go wrong with this scenario, surely our programmers could avoid the catastrophe that skynet unleashed ... unleashes ? what tense does one use for a future event that was supposed to happen , but didn't, but still may happen 0_o

exactly =]

I think it's time.. the photography world needs an ipad/nexus case, that mimics the body of a technical camera. it will mount this camera lens/sensor to the lens board, on the front standard. the rear standard will act as the mount for the ipad/nexus case, which will mimic the ground glass/film holder

think of the

they change things up so frequently around here, it's understandable =]