Pretty sure human overpopulation will be that disaster, so enjoy.
Pretty sure human overpopulation will be that disaster, so enjoy.
Beat it nerd
If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.
I feel like some people are overlooking what’s included in this “DLC”... it’s huge. It’s not only new desert biomes, but new creatures and technologies... it also looks to be slightly more fantasy-based with elemental dragons, giant stone golems, a manticore, and a PRAYING MANTIS WITH SWORDS.
“yeah, get hooked on prescription meds like the rest of america.” - Signed The DEA
Fine, fine, we’ll go back to the classic blue, because you gauche foreigners cannot appreciate the viridescence of Brazil’s postmodernist statement on aquatic competition. I suppose you want the toilets not to drain down the walls as well.
When this woman is inevitably fired for being an idiot, I am sure the internet will embrace her as a unique individual who simply wants to express herself.
I didn’t realize it until just now, but I really, REALLY need a dystopian cat game. Like.... BADLY!
Wow, that is pretty lenient. She can get out at 58 (or earlier) and live free for a good amount of time, which is a lot more of a chance at life than her victim got.
Honestly the Locos Tacos and IMHO are superior to the regular tacos from Taco Bell.
Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.
Seems like a great way to fuck with Preston’s mind.
pointless? no, see the way you are looking at it is not the way you should be looking at it, the gaming world does not revolve around pc gamers, us console gamers don’t find it useless.
For me, half my playtime in FO4 has been in workshop mode. All I anted was to be able to build a vault though, and while the mods that allow it are good, they essentially function like a standard settlement. So being able to do vault experiments and whatnot is just awesome.
This is about as helpful when From said, “poise is working as intended.”
Still trying to figure out what they intended.
Eh, a bust enhancer is nothing, really. On the grand scale of things, the fact that they let a “kill kids” mod through but went “NUDE MODS ARE FORBIDDEN” says something sickening to me.
Just to combat the - inevitable - flood of “THIS IS WHY I DONT USE CONTACTS!!111!!!!”;
Okay how the holy fuck? Hairspray in the eye should feel like shit, but it shouldn’t do any serious damage. Nor should it cause the contact to stick so much that you have to damage the eye to remove the lense.
Mobile beer keg. Insulate the back, put in 3 or 4 kegs, have multiple taps on the side, have it beer festivals, back yard party's.