
Rather than lose? lol ok . Maybe they didnt want to absolutely demolish these girls.. We are equal in many ways but physical prowess isn’t one of them. The Australian professional woman’s soccer team was annihilated by a bunch of 15 year old boys.. look it up. stop living in a fantasy world. Woman are amazing

I can’t wait until we have some natural disaster and you people just die because you can’t feed yourself or do anything that will help you survive . You just stay in your little imaginary world where everyone is really good at heart and humans will never need to hunt for food ever again.

Whenever I see someone smoking I feel like I’m looking at a person that’s still rocking bell bottoms and tie dye, in an unironic way. Get with the program, the world is quickly leaving you behind. Also you stink and anyone who comes near you has to smell your stank ass. Oh and the 8 thousand butts I have to look at

Depends on the person. are you in good health? if so then keep doing what you’re doing. I go from having a few drinks every now an then when i feel the shape i’m in is good enough and i cut back to zero if i’m getting a little out of shape. Life is about moderation

We can only hope

Not everyone had been brain washed into being terrified of guns. Some of us actualy view them as the tools they are.

You’re on the internet right now can i come over?

anyone know the ceiling height in these things? It would make a cool dirt bike hauler if it fits

With they way they’ve been managing their consoles the last decade you’d have to be a complete idiot to buy another one

I love my 3DS but Nintendo should stick to what they’re good at, which is handhelds, and leave the consoles to the bigboys who not only listen to what their customers want but anticipate what they might want with great success

Never underestimate the ingenuity of a fat person

You’re confusing science with religious dogma

No Fallout 4? lol your butthurt for Bethesda in unbelievable.

Anyone for Hillary is either willfully ignorant, evil or flat out retarded.

A lobotomy

for a cold blooded murderer it should have been the death sentence

IDK what’s more pathetic, the fact that you cant argue your point with actual facts or even a strong educated opinion or that you’re here often enough to spot some rando as a troll. Unless you’re saying the whole article is a troll in which case I’d point out that my comment wasn’t directed at the article itself.

The real question is, how have you missed the sexulization of men since the dawn of civilization? Do you keep your Tumblr blinders on all day so you can only see “the patriarchy”? Do you also realize that less than 4% of the population is lgbt and they are WAY over represented in every form of media?

because men haven’t been sexualized since ...uhhh forever? You ever seen an underwear ad?? seen a show called HEman or any of the millions of ways men are sexualized every day. Your level of retarded can only be cured with a hammer. Just because most guys dont care about it doesn’t mean it’s some one sided thing
