
Not enough caps in the commonwealth to go after one of my settlements. Visions of rocket turrets and 30ft concrete walls. Every time i get a kidnapping mission or “raider troubles” i cant help but think, HOW!? HOW did they possibly get one of you when a death claw cant so much as look at the settlement without having

Those guys never get laid they have to have something over us

Made up or not, that doesn’t change the fact that your average Tumblr feminist would agree with the made up story. And it’s not far from reality that any child company of Gawker would actually write a pile of crap like that , you guys do it all the time.

I’ve popped my contacts out in a hurry and cant even imagine how this idiot took part of his eye out with it.

With the exceptoin of Danse of course but yeah that sounds about right

Probably etsy

What if that’s what made him reset to friendly. What if the institute got the original (pissed off one) and replaced him with a synth. Can that even happen to NPC’s like Garvy?

You could try being good at games. It helps.

I hope they make it even harder so you last place medal winners cant even get to the first bonfire.

Nintendo really needs to go the way of SEGA and leave the consoles to someone else to focus on games. The Last 2 Nintendo consoles I bought were to play maybe 4 or 5 games, TOPS! The Wii and the Wii U was just a total waste of money to play only a few games and it’s not like a PS4 or Xbone couldn’t handle any Nintendo

Most millennials dont realize anything existed before them

Are there any other console “casuals” laughing as hard as i am ?

The OG Storm troopers couldn’t shoot because that would have made for a short movie. Mystery solved.

Your autism is palpable

Oh man we got a millennial over here..