
Women used to be told to use a separate washcloth for their junk and their face. That was bc women's junk was grody, not because the Washcloth Industrial Complex wanted to sell more products. It's interesting to see how the junk/face divide is playing out when directed at men. It doesn't explicitly say that men's junk

Of course its stupid. But this sort of problem invention is exactly how they got us all wearing deodorant, and women shaving half their bodies.

Not too long after I moved from NYC to SF, I was bartending in a place that served food very late for SF. (For you New Yorkers, SF closes about 4 hours earlier than NYC.)

This chart has several inaccuracies, but most glaringly, it completely discounts the Spanish speaking contingent. The study should have also mined for the phrase "despertar y hacer fricción" which when roughly translated means, "Wake up and make friction"

You're so original and hilarious and witty and charming. Please teach all of us troglodytes how it is possible to be so clever!

My best friend Leslie said she's just being Miley

I agree. Just not having a flag option seems weird to me. I know they can get abused as well, but the comment quality has seriously started to drive me up a wall.

"Why don't I have any money? Oh lol I had to pay rent for my box. Also I didn't want to die from a caffeine only diet because I spend so many hours stressing at work/about work/dreaming about work, so I purchased food too."


As a side note, I have learned how to measure my manliness based on Jezebel commentors. Apparently, if I somehow become sexy enough and also carry around a cute baby or animal then womens' uteruses will literally explode. It hasn't happened yet, but when it does I'll know that I've finally reached hitherto unknown

Never noticed that in the Old Spice ads. They were selling a product for me....but they weren't talking to me, at all. They were instead talking to my totally real girlfriend from Canada.

yeah, men who aren't metrosexual usually have psychological issues. masculinity is toxic.

Ad person here.

I care about my girlfriend so much that I'll ignore the gym and even showering to be with her. I'm sure she appreciates it


So if I was a man, I believe that Brut video would have offended me. The essence of Man is his sperm? Way to go with the biological reductionism!

It kinda seems pointless, right? I was wondering how this was new as I'm basically your neighbor and my local club stocks vapor pens. Nah, this is just... weed flavored vapor?

How is this different from a vape pen? I live in SF, the land of getting way-too-high by smoking THC wax in public parks on your lunch break, this isn't revolutionary for me.

"I think part of being a strong woman is owning the decisions that you've made in your life,"Bolotow told me. "Trying to put the onus onto someone else for your own decisions is really cowardly and kind of dishonest."