
Hahaha what a fucking stupid thing to say.

I was responding to post above

*sigh*. You are joking, right?

Someone does have the pics. THE PHOTOGRAPHER/SLEAZEBAG!

I've just read your various various racist, sexist, and homophobic comments in the kinjasphere.


Half serious answer: They know better.

I think it's tacky to "expect" a gift, but when you're hosting an event where gifts come with the territory, I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a little direction. I like the whole, "Your joining us for our special day is a wonderful gift to us, and that's all we need or want. If, however, you would like

Yeah. Its good etiquette for the host not to ask for a gift, and its good etiquette for the guest to give the host a gift. I always see all these comments like "well we asked for cash" or "we asked for gifts" and really the most polite thing to do is not ask for anything. Since you are not owed gifts!

Fair enough, it is a well known fact that one of the reasons truck drivers kill is for the sheer fun of it.

Could be, I Just call it as I see it; Im a whale biologist.

As usual the media missed the point. Donald Sterling WAS a racist, this tape of him just confirmed that he was STILL racist. I didn't watch the interview, because frankly why waste my time. But I think it would be safe to say that Anderson Cooper didn't ask him about his housing discrimination lawsuit, or

Sounds exactly like the way closeted sociopaths treat their wives.

Then maybe you should of not convicted her of a crime that she did not commit?


Well la-di-frickin-da.

Here's a few lady secrets for ya:

To answer your first question, it's worse because the government pays and arms this person to protect people, and instead he preyed on them. So in addition to the crime, his actions were a violation of his duty and [further] undermine the trust that is necessary between the police and the policed to make our whole

No. No, we don't.

Unless you're tying to be King of the Bears or something.