
I thought she was turning into a bratz doll

Really enjoying Kylie’s transition from human teenager to anime character.

Man, Beanie Babies aren’t worth dick. That’s why I put all MY money in pogs. Sound investment.

This isn’t about wearing short skirts or something, this is doctors giving medical advice about women allowing their bodies to recover.

Ugh, as if I weren’t already sick of people who Instagram every single meal.

I feel like I wouldn’t need the internet to figure this out. Call me clingy, but I tend to insist on being part of my spouse’s wp program.



Is breastfeeding more nourishing if it’s being photographed/Instagrammed or something?

“Rita Ora” is the name I use to check into hotels when I don’t want anyone to bother me.

Bahaha. Human B-side.

the WORST part about Kim is how i have now side with Kyle. Fuck you, Kim.

This was bound to happen. Kim was, 100% without a doubt, in relapse this season. And she was vicious in her denial rages to the other housewives, who I believe had only good intentions (as far as that goes on any reality show).

The thing with the dog was INSANE.

The only one who really comes close is Taylor Armstrong—also from Beverly Hills—who was in an abusive marriage and whose husband later committed suicide.

Any relationship guide that has a simple list of “THIS IS WHAT MEN LIKE/WANT/NEED” or “THIS IS WHAT WOMEN LIKE/WANT/NEED” can be safely thrown in the garbage. Fuck that prescriptive nonsense.

Oh God sanctimonious moms. Those moms who post bullshit statuses like, “while you’re out clubbing and acting a hot mess, I’m taking care of my precious baby!” But weren’t you clubbing before you got knocked up? Now all of sudden you’re above that? *eyeroll* shut up.

I can’t stand those sanctimommy articles a lot of the new moms seems to be posting lately... “I Was a Moron Before I Became a Mother, But Now I’m Enlightened!” Get the hell over yourself! Yes, becoming a “mommy” (I also hate when a grown woman refers to herself as a mommy, unless she’s speaking to her young child)

Meh. One of my friends just had a baby and he looks exaaaactly like the father, who is kind of a doofus and I don’t really care for him or for how much my friend has changed since they got together. I’m super happy for her because she’s over the moon in love with this baby, but every time she posts a photo...the

No, the baby is cute, but the photos I saw made me believe that the mom is a super try-hard Pinteresty mom who strongly enjoys showing off/showing others up. Just a call, but go look for yourself.