This will help!
This will help!
Yeah but how does he always manage to get an on camera behind home plate seat?!
There is a right Jonas brother?
People have way too much time on their hands.
Red vs White is going to be a battle!
I don't know why you are being so hard on Chris Harrison. It is fully within his and The Bachelor's right to expect their contestants to be forthcoming about their experience on the show and their future plans. They are on a TV show, not some random couple plucked off the street. Juan Pablo is a douche and I applaud…
I totally dug their YouTube videos, but I am still getting into the show.
This is WAY better than the 300 Sandwiches lady's blog.
This is WAY better than the 300 Sandwiches lady.
On an unrelated note: Jezebel, please for the love of doge, do not switch to the new comment structure! This is the only comments section of the Gawker website that I can actually follow. The new Kinja platform is horrendous!
Yey sports! Do that thing! Win those point!
Yeah I think seeking the truth about these stories is important. Thinking back to the waitress who lied about discrimination at her restaurant, people were donating actual money to her and she was profiting off her internet lie, before someone discovered the truth . Maybe in this case, no one say, set up a false…
Calling someone who weighs 105 "gaunt" is judgey in and of itself, so you lost me in paragraph 2. As we LOVE to say on Jezebel, you can't judge someone's weight as an indication of being healthy or unhealthy, so calling 105lbs gaunt is just as bad.
I think seeking the truth about these stories is important. Thinking back to the waitress who lied about discrimination at her restaurant, people were donating actual money to her and she was profiting off her internet lie, before someone discovered the truth . Maybe in this case, no one say, set up a false foundation…
I think seeking the truth about these stories is important. Thinking back to the waitress who lied about discrimination at her restaurant, people were donating actual money to her and she was profiting off her internet lie, before someone discovered the truth . Maybe in this case, no one say, set up a false foundation…
Amateur hour. The photos aren't even in the frame, they are poorly tapped on top. I give this a C.
They should just stick him in solitary confinement for life. That shit sounds awful, much worse than death.
I'm sorry, I am confused. How did Jez expect Lena to react to the news that they were offering $10k for un-retouched photos of her? Did you expect a "thank you"? I am not even trying to be snarky here, really, what were you expecting?