You are what you say

Not just TRE45ON, either - no time for POTUS44's immigration speech because it was “too partisan” according to the networks, but somehow they found plenty of time for Bush’s immigration speech in 2006

hyperbolic lol

Is Drew dead

Like I said it’s just a guess/theory on my part. Chicago is a city of neighborhoods and you can go to parts of the city that are populated with primarily people Mexican, Poland, India, Pakistan, Swedes, you name it. But the black areas of the city are just that.

I think because a large part of Chicago’s black population is from the South (the Great Migration), everyone just assumes everyone who’s black is from there. And if you’re from some other place, you just go along and nobody asks you for specifics. I mean, I can’t ever recall being asked “No, where are you REALLY

Yes, for sure, but my point is there may be a substantial Cape Verdean population in Chicago, but I never knew it because no one black really promoted/talking about their individual specific heritage. There were no parades for the different groups. There was the Bud Billiken Parade for the black folks and that was it.

I love Irish family gatherings. They start off well meaning then by the’s like a Jerry Springer free for all & ducking fists & chairs.

If he was really NORTH DAKOTA TOUGH hed be out there jeopardizing his career

RIP Wentz’ mobility.

Fantasia Live was a hot mess.

My theory is that you are right - the higher mortality is related to difficulty with communication and that black women’s concerns and real medical issues are not being acknowledged or addressed as quickly because of communication issues with (predominantly white, often male) physicians. It would be interesting to see

Hopefully this is the ball that starts rolling and knocks down Bryan Singer.

Considering the events of the last 2 years, you might be surprised to learn that it wasn’t until just now that I finally lost faith in humanity.

My only issue with the shirt is the damn hashtag. Must EVERYTHING have a hashtag on it?

I didn’t suffer any complications or life-threatening issues, but I remember people not fucking listening to me. I wasn’t all that hungry. Yes, all the sitcoms and movies lied to you. I was thirsty though.

Always regret clicking any links about Lindsay Lohan. It’s never ‘enrolled in college ‘ or ‘has decided to take a quiet, normal person job’. Instead it’s pretty much always weird or depressing.

One of my friends sons came out last month. We all knew he was gay since he was 4, i dont love him any less, i was just so sad he was afraid we would reject him and had prepaired himself for the rejection. He seemed shocked when everyone he told was like yeah i thought you were. It really doesnt matter.

The problem is that plenty of these dudes have and will do this shit to women in their household.


As an Army officer, I was taught an important truth: