
What frustrates me the most about this narrative is that the myth that “she doesn’t have the stamina”. That is the most obnoxious, gendered trope if there ever was one. So now we’re fixating on her health,of all things, as a reason that she is not qualified to be President. Meanwhile, Trump is 1 step away from skin

They’re trying to craft a TBI from a few awkward moments that Clinton’s had while completely ignoring the *constant* actual unhinged and/or awkward statements from their own candidate.

i wrote a paper about food deserts, and the amount of people who have that “just drive a little farther, it’s not a big deal” attitude continues to infuriate me on a daily basis (its been basically a year since this assignment)

It is important to note that many L train users don’t live near alternative transportation. I live in Bushwick but work in Port Morris, it currently takes me an hour and 3 trains to get to work, with the shutdown it would take me about 100 minutes and 5 trains to get to work. I would love to buy a car but being that

Very edgy.

Fuck Williamsburg. The L Train doesn’t revolve around them.

Waiting for the chorus of “God Gawker, not everyone lives in NYC you know.”

The story itself isn’t Rachel was calling out though. It was the headline and framing of the story that erased her individual achievement in favor of the proposal that was the problem. Had the headline and arc been something like “Zi wins silver for China in diving, accepts medal and proposal on podium” it would have

Come on, Beatles Reference Kinja Name. It’s critical to point out micro-aggressions as well as larger sexist and racist offenses.

There’s no judgment here. These rooms are not for all families. These rooms are for breastfeeding. Only.

Because they are only for women and only for nursing. That’s what they are. That’s why they are called breastfeeding rooms.

I hate people using the randomess of injuries as proof that something is stupid. This has nothing to do with it being a pre-season game.

Spoken like someone who was never a young girl. Misogyny is so edgy, bro.

No joke! Not to rain on someone’s parade but there’s someone in my immediate family who ran afoul of the law and got heavy into very heavy drugs and basically blasted their life into a crater. After returning from prison they were given a hero’s welcome (money, cars, even a partnership share in the family business)

As a polyamorous person, this is some bullshit. Humans aren’t built for monogamy or non-monogamy, just like women aren’t hardwired for empathy and men for conquest, they are just human, with infinite variety and desires. Some people find monogamy works for them, some don’t. If you’re one of those that don’t you should

I just hate how petty people are. There are so many legitimate things to snark people over (like #alllivesmatter, for example), but instead people attack others over the harmless choices they make to take care of their own bodies.

Have you considered bottoming out? It makes everybody much more impressed with future mediocrity.

I agree with your statement. I never said people don’t give men shit, though, I was saying they’re more likely to be believed. I haven’t seen it personally with gluten, but my black male friends who are vegetarians get called “pussy” and are accused of “acting white”, even though some of them do it as part of

Honestly, just because gluten free has become a fad and there are some annoying fakers out there, doesn’t mean we should basically point and laugh at anyone who is gluten free. I know a guy who gets hives when he eats shellfish, so he doesn’t eat it. Should I make fun of him? Do we make fun of people with dairy

don’t worry, they’ll tell us where they fit on the list