
How horribly rude of me, thinking that I had a fucking right to engage in the political processes of this country. Must have missed that day of civics where they went over how we're obligated to go with the safest choice, lest we be kicked out.

These are modern examples of perceived outsiders running successful and winning campaigns. It’s not an endorsement of their accomplishments outside of that fact.

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

I feel like that would leave you with precious little free time, Demon

Casablanca is there. Good.

No The Third Man? Are you kidding me?

Oooh, look, a Cosby supporter. Edgy as fuck. I’d spit on you too, shithead.

Fuck Goodell, Bettman, Selig, Silver and Stern. The whole lot of those filthy fucks. In the nose. With a rusty jagged spoon. I have no interest in the Chargers, Rams or Flames. My commenting history will clue you in on the Bucks. But fuck them. You build the teams in the communities and then yank them right the fuck

It is inheritable. They changed that at some point.

I agree that getting suddenly filthy rich won’t guarantee you happiness and may cause problems. But I’ve never found working in a boring job 8-12 hours a day to stave off poverty is any sort of spiritual Nirvana either. I would be willing to experiment with a different set of problems for awhile.

Eh I’m kind of over American actresses in general. Give me French actresses who all seem wonderfully burdened by generations of ennui and existential dread that permeates every moment of waking life.

I understand there is going to be a “Carrie” version of inside out, where you get to see the animation taking over when the blood flows, inside Bible momma’s head when she abuses her little woman and when she becomes a wall decoration, religiously tasteful, of course. (I think I saw it on Wikipedia.)

Not to mention Juanita Broaddrick, who did accuse him of rape.

The issue is whether Hillary enabled him or sheltered him from accusations and blowback or threatened or slandered the assault victims to make them go away. That -is- an extremely valid concern. But you are right that Bill Clinton’s sex life directly has nothing to do with it.

I’m a bit shocked to see a lack of outrage on the commentary portion of this article at Bill Clinton’s past of alledged sexual assaults. Even if he’s Hilary’s husband, it’s still important to bring those allegations to light and acknowledge ithem. I feel if bill were the husband of a conservative candidate, there

Since when are spouses accountable for their partners’ actions, even if some of those actions were felonious?

Blaming a wife for her husband’s actions, particularly his sexual wrongdoings, is pretty messed up.

I care. Bill Clinton is accused of *raping* several women. Hillary, for her part, has called those women bimbos and trailer trash, and sought to destroy their reputations.

For one she has publically dismissed the alleged victims as liars when they brought up assault against bill, and 2, bill is going to actively campaign for Hilary’s election.