
It weeds out the idiots/ sociopaths from our genetic pool.

You know, hoverboards wouldn’t be as cool as how you think they would be cool.
I remember when something like Skype seemed way futuristic. “Hey you can call someone and talk to them and see them while you are talking to them.” That shit is just “whatever.”

The Super Bowl is everything that is wrong with this country, capitalist pig!!!


Blindgossip had a blind item that said he did a porno even. I hope that’s true. I am praying that’s true. Dear Satan, please let that be true.

There are some fun rumors going around about Marco Rubio living life as an out twink in Miami. He used to be roomates with a dude that produced gay porn.

That is a good one. So is the ending to Sleepaway Camp. Look it up. It blasts all of those others listed way out of the water.

It is also gets under their skin when you fly off the handle and physically attack them and it makes for great tv, so think about that next time Ms. Autler.

What is wrong with Pennsylvania? The government certainly loves helping cover up sex scandals for famous people in that state.

Now playing

Or just the movie Room, but maybe with monsters. Brie Larson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead are kind of the same actress I feel. Just one is brunette and the other is blonde.

This will be me if I win the lottery and there will be nothing you can do to stop me!!!

Or perhaps, an enemy of said person put their handle on the meme in order to paint that person as an idiot.

I would make buy a house boat.

Ya, but you’re dead, who cares? You’re dead.

When I was in high school, the football coach was allegedly caught with a teen girl and the principal knew.Anyway, the coach was fired and the principal agreed to quit but they kept that shit out of the press. That was circa 2003-2004. Also like a year before, some kid went and killed his mother and two sisters and

Or, don’t even bother and look through the clear spot while you drive.

I believe Juanita.

Trump would be less worse than Cruz. Trump is just a blathering idiot, but there is something deeply “Ted Bundy”-esque about Cruz. He’s not as good-looking or charismatic at all, but there is a darkness there.

Juanita Broaddrick publicly accused Bill Clinton of rape on national television. That is not a rumor. LOL. That’s like how Bill Cosby refers to his accusations as “innuendo” and how his defenders claim that it is all “hearsay.”

When I read that description, I actually thought this: