
Being able to take pictures of the potential jurors is a BAD for a ton of different reasons, both legal and ethical.

1.) Freddie Gray was in Baltimore and he wasn’t shot. I assume you’re talking about the kid who was waving the knife around in the middle of the street in Chicago and got shot? I agree that it was overkill and the cop should be charged, but the kid wasn’t just sitting at the bus stop eating an ice cream cone and

Here’s the problem..a huge percentage of the murder victims in Chicago are black, and they are not being killed by cops or white people. So when protests erupt over a statistically rare (relatively speaking) shooting by a cop, it seems somewhat misdirected, given that any given day a young child or mother (or anyone

They are both shit parents for using their kids to get fame, fortune.

Great story, bad name.

I have no idea who these twins are but I just looked at their pictures and I’m pretty much OK with whatever they wanna do.

As much as I hate the burka (and the fact that many women are forced either actively or passively through intense social pressure to wear them), France is wrong on this one.

Considering that around 90% of inmates around the country are male, I’d say feminism is finally working!

I find it kind of odd that you refer to her as a Latina weightlifter...would you call someone named Evans or O’Connell an Irish or European weightlifter if they were born and raised in the US?

Agreed. It’s overcrowded, smells like garbage in the summer, and it’s ridiculously expensive. And downtown isn’t really interesting at all anymore, it looks like Vegas now. Maybe it’s just an age thing- when I was young the energy and pace of NYC seemed it just seems annoying.

There’s always been controversy surrounding Steven Avery, but there was no doubt after watching the interrogation of this poor kid that he was led by the cops, and really did not have the capacity to comprehend what was going on. His parents must be pretty happy.

I agree, they made many contributions..then they stopped.

Just to your point about mathematics/science- yes, they contributed quite a bit in those fields, but that well has been dry since somewhere around the 10th century.

I think the Olympics has finally jumped the shark. Not one person I know is watching any of it, whereas in the past there would at least be a few people tuning in. Literally not one person at work or within my social circle has even mentioned Rio, other than to comment on how shitty (pun intended) the environment is

Stuff falls out of my front pockets all the time. The extra pockets on cargo shorts are perfect for putting your wallet or keys in there, that way they won’t fall out when you’re moving around. Maybe men should start carrying their stuff in purses- that way they can wear fashionable (albeit impractical) shorts and not

I guess this is Adele’s way of saying she’s just like us- her servants hold her pants for her while she steps in one leg at a time.

This seems to happen a lot- lgbt people are usually the first to go into a gritty area, then at some point a scene develops there, it becomes hip and people flock there b/c of the cheap rents, the artist scene, etc...then it gets ruined by the young hipsters and it turns into something else- and the lgbt peeps go

Nice that Hillary supporters can rally in peace, without those violent Trump supporters screaming and throwing eggs at them.

Hillary probably hired her to keep her from spilling dirt.

I’ve played the game-don’t get the hype at all. Does anyone actually enjoy walking around a city without their faces in their phone anymore? I could easily blame millennials for all of this behaviour, but then I see their parents doing the exact same fucking thing!