It's still hard to believe I Heart Huckabees got made considering this pitch.
It's still hard to believe I Heart Huckabees got made considering this pitch.
Or make a ring of salt around yourself for protection!
This morning Sugar Bear was a pedo, and now someone "photobombed" a photo she obviously took.
That guy is a hero, and that word gets thrown around too easily.
What is it this person has done to make her a "shitty human being" in your eyes?
You get alls the stars for this one. Nicely put!
Time to start hitting the gym again, "jock."
Donna is gonna be so pissed at you. Do you even Google?
You kids should stop seeing the world in such black-and-white terms. I realize that as media continues to diversify in order to give people the news they want to hear that this sort of argument is inevitable, but you should both consider that most of the big issues one deals with in life aren't as simple as the…
Cool. Mark Knopfler and I are now at peace. For the moment.
As stupid and bullshit as this is, after this week, I'm simply glad religious nutballs here aren't running around with bazookas or taking hostages at the corner store.
My point was that there are plenty of women in Argentina (who do or do not identify as "white") who don't wish to live like some some bricolage indigenous folk of the American imagination who are able to stop their flows using meditation, poverty, and coca leaves.
Does this fall under that #whitepeopleproblems thingy?
Bill Maher simply doesn't like religious folk putting their shit out on Front Street for the rest of us to walk around.
I keep thinking she's some sort of fashion person who's always dating a British rocker whose band I might have heard, but I think that's someone else. Is that person, the person I'm thinking of, of Asian descent? Is Rita? Because I keep thinking she's someone that maybe she isn't.
You should change your name to Eggface.
Someone should take your things. They probably deserve them since you suck.