You Also Have A Pizza

Yeah, that was painfully obvious.

It’s so obvious that io9 must be getting paid to keep talking about this shitty, shitty film.

Damn, Lil B, if you spent as much time watching tv as you do whining, you’d have somehow watched next week’s episode.

Came for this comment.

Relax, Snowflake. The angry black man is just a drawing in an old comic book. He can’t really stop you from being a misinformed racist asshole.

1.) Hang the DJ - a cool idea well executed, also warm and fuzzy

In space, no one can hear you suck.

I am upset by Cheetolini’s undoing of what were essentially “land grabs” by Clinton and Obama.

Now playing

Sweet. Now if someone can only sync this song to Luke walking out to face Kylo Ren...

The more anyone who accomplishes anything gets pissed on, the less people notice the smell of piss.

Ever think about the shit you’re going to regret on your deathbed?

This is some lazy critical analysis. And it’s not like the show is particularly deep.

But with Black Panther, the “militants, thugs, crooks, pimps, ignorant, etc.” archetypes are just being replaced with some Hotep Coming To America African prince stuff.

Clever comeback. You still got fucking owned.

Keep your pencildick out of politics, douchebag.

Yeah, this sounds like half-clever, murder-porn garbage.

“Step lively, now!” the closest of the pair said.


You pimp. You heel. I hate you.