You Also Have A Pizza

Yes. All women everywhere crave the idea of minotaur cock. I hear you can buy a powdered version of it from China. It'll have the ladies throwing themselves through your windows, climbing down your chimney, and snaking up your pipes. Also, they'll have the sexy sex with you, once they've done all that stuff.

Certainly, he lacks the acting chops of Ice-T, but he was in that one movie.

That's some Inception-level stuff. Unless you are the boy the story of Christopher Robin is being told to and we're being told of you being told about Christopher Robin.

I hate to break this to you, Mark, but the stories are about a boy and his stuffed animals, which is to say, Chris had no goddamn friends.

Your numerous comments reveal why you can't "get a girl." You're a creep. And a misogynist. And kind of a racist. And, yeah, a whiner.

Does the swastika bite?

How is she in danger? Also, what the fuck are you talking about?

You should spend less time whining and more time getting (in)famous.

Yeah, no one went to see Million Dollar Baby to watch her get killed again.

Oprah herself bit the heads off of chickens before becoming a news anchor. I'm not sure it had anything to do with "exposure" though.

A bit of black pepper is all grits really need. Anything else is overkill and does a great disservice to those brave boys who died in The War of Northern Aggression.

Clearly, you haven't been touched by Xenu and worn a Matisse as a diaper. If you had, you'd be able to pick up a book's vibrations and know everything in it without even opening it.

I hope their accountants steal all their money and go on to climb as many mountains as they can possibly climb.

Someday, when you're fifteen, you'll have more sense. Maybe.

Holy shit, GB, you've responded dozens of times to a post from a couple of days ago. Are you okay? Shit, if I'd known you were going to get so worked up I wouldn't have made my (mostly) joking comment.

Sorry if I can't explain myself, I suck at it.

Here's the thing: I don't go around mouthing-off to people.

Links, please.

You ignore it and move the fuck on.

Fucking hell! After a picture of that hair, I will no longer make fun of the ponytail girl who fights demons and can't speak English or whatever.