That Dear Kate ad is great. And, not that anyone has to care about my stupid boner, hotter.
That Dear Kate ad is great. And, not that anyone has to care about my stupid boner, hotter.
Shit. You got me. Damn these internets.
She's loving this whole thing. She implied that somehow the host said racist shit should only be said in private and then told someone they were "making a big deal out of nothing" when she was called on it.
Please explain what happened in Benghazi that keeps you people up at night. Also, I believe most of the national debt came to be under W. If you can prove otherwise, please do so. Also also, the government has been spying on its citizens since before there was a nation or a government, you fucking hayseed.
I continue to feel about Lorde the way George Bush feels about black people.
Brother, have you heard the good news?
You, sir, are a coward.
What happened last night might look scary, but it's a disaster of our own making. This is what we get when young people sit on their asses instead of voting—old white people decide who will make laws primarily affecting the much younger, the much browner.
Good on you, Australia! Good on you. Today, mine's a Tooheys.
Now even side-pieces get television shows?
Internet culture. Never get tired of giving free advertising to something crappy.
This isn't particularly weird. The majority of the most centered, charismatic young people you'll meet are completely indoctrinated into some way of thinking.
Okay. Now, I love you.
What is "nature" if not the collective survival of organisms? Without mothers, no children. Without children, no mothers. Hence, Nature gives a shit.
You should write a "it happened to me" about having a stone for a head.
Seems like he's gotten a little soft(er) in the head.
We can't all be Lil Jon.
Who'd you vote for today?
Wouldn't a racist be more afraid to confront a person of color one-on-one?
I am Tyler's genitals.