You Also Have A Pizza

You ask someone to glue a horse's tail to your noggin, you take your chances no matter who your stylist is.

There are, no doubt, men there with a United Colors of Benetton stable of wives. And, with that kind of money, I would imagine most anyone can get their hair done.

You're really hung up on this "class B firework" thing as a major breach of a civil society's mores. Are you a volunteer firefighter? Did you try to become one once?

Yeah, that stuff about how his wife put up with it sounds like he's "playing a character."

Shit, Kawaiiswag, somehow this got dismissed. I'll post it again for you.

How would you know what I "attack" on the regular, dingbat? ... Gotcha.

Again, show me ANY type of evidence or admission by him as HIMSELF (and not the Snoop Dogg character) admitting to this and I'll delete my account, forever.


Hey, if you think it's cool that Snoop used his fame to enter the world of pimping and brought women on leashes to an awards show, that's fine. After all, that white girl from Australia who hooked up with every rapper in ATL is white and all...

True, but they have to know how they're pronounced before they can do it.


How so?


Shit, I'm a guy, and I wish somebody thought I was Padma Lakshmi! She's perfection.

I'm ripping off Shakespeare right. this. second.

Are you... are you, like, a crazy person?

Where does that leave Andrea Tantaros?

Seems like any Christian worth his or her pillar of salt would burn this woman as a witch.

I'm just not sure how breaking her granddad's nose turned her into a "slutty-slut-slut?" Is it some sort of Irish curse?

The segment itself proves that Pitt is no longer a shitty actor, which is cool, too.