You Also Have A Pizza

"Cuntstain" and "bitch." Guess we can add misogyny next to homophobia on your list of issues. As far as your charge of racism goes, I'm not the one with the obvious case of Yellow Fever. You do know that shit's racist, right?

"Get a job!"

Oooh, a picture. And it's even of an Asian woman! Surprise, surprise! Nice one, doofus!

When HBO (which I pay for) has a streaming service as good as the illegal sites, I'll watch all those shows on their site. When the free version of Hulu only has twenty minutes of the same four commercials in an hour-long (forty minute) network television program, I'll watch more Hulu.

You really should have followed up with, "They hate us because we're good."

I'm going to go "full-Lindy" and remind you that "ALL SOUP IZ GOOD SOUP!!!"

Are your balls still hurting twenty days later? Because it looked like your balls got slammed in that door really hard.

Sweet! I promise to use it mostly for good. Mostly.

Actually, I was pressed for time this morning. It's part of having a job; you'll find out what that's like one day. But, as you finally got around to explaining your fee-fees on the issue, perhaps you can explain how these pearls of wisdom furthered the conversation, you fucking homophobe:

It explains what you think the difference is, at least. Also, I thought English was cool in Japan because of Michael Jackson.

From your dumb hostility, doofus.

Let's just say it doesn't involve two-for-one drink specials.

Christ, you're still here? Fine. Answer me this, doofus:

And Kinja.

Other things invented by Christians, according to Cameron:

Did you ever manage to save up enough to buy that plastic fork someone supposedly fished out of her on-set trashcan?

another internet tool trying to get everyone to hide under their beds.

Keep fucking that chicken, doofus.

You seem to think that kanji symbols are something other than words. They have no historical meaning to a single people, oppressed or otherwise. They are devoid of context, like a picture of a toaster, doofus.

Tell it to Nanking, doofus.