You Also Have A Pizza

Even you, a small, internet thing, must realize that people appreciate being appreciated. Once you've got a roof over your head, feeling like people like you for doing what you're doing is quite rewarding.

Well. Now we know where Washington stands, according to someone who isn't a lawyer and may not even have an advanced degree. Obviously, any points I raised are ridiculous.

Now playing

"In a way, all of us have an El Guapo to face someday..."

Fact: Burt Reynolds slept with so many people in the seventies that he became a wizard. His mustache is also a wizard, but an even more powerful one.

I not sure why I replied to you. I guess it's because you said something...

So... now women should be working on their sewing skills?

But this kid doesn't work for a company. He didn't sign a contract that says "We can fire you if we even think you did something." He's legally supposed to be in school unless he's done something inappropriate/illegal on school grounds or actually locked up.

Who are all these people who look down or despise creators of "advertisments?" What is it "we" already know? Who is this "somebody?"

Typical Packers fan— unhinged and overfed.

Your pee is the only thing keeping you from getting athlete's foot.

I've seen plenty of Japanese t-shirts covered in gibberish English. Is that also (negative) cultural appropriation?

Well, sure. But you're being reasonable. We need outrage! The 24-hour-blog-news-cycle is a perpetual motion machine fueled entirely on perceived offense! That Mindy Kaling should apologize to hurricane victims everywhere!

You have to understand that if all "p in v"— sorry, just can't use those words, too scary— is rape, then all "p in a" is double-plus-bad-no-good rape.

Those cuffs are fabulous.

Mark, you're a bucket of hot extra crispy compared to the smoking noodle stench of fauxrage that's hanging around this place today.

Even that subtle Twin Peaks reference couldn't save this turkey.

Sometimes, as a patriot, you have to stand your ground. Even in someone else's house.

Clearly, this Kelly Faircloth is anything but fair. This whole lynching is made up from whole cloth.

Everywhere not in the US is covered in ice. That is why the idea of global warming is ludicrous.

That's hardly fair— your Rob is clowning around one minute and, before you know it, he's got your heart.